David Pike's Family History & Genealogy Resources

I am in search of some people willing to do genealogical DNA tests as follows: For more details, please contact me at dapike@mun.ca.

If you've come to this webpage in search of autosomal DNA utilities that I've developed, you can find them at www.math.mun.ca/~dapike/FF23utils/

And if you have ancestry from Newfoundland and Labrador, consider joining the Newfoundland and Labrador Family Finder Project which uses autosomal DNA testing to identify relatives.

Information about the Pike Family

The first collection of information below pertains to the Pike family. Included here are transcripts of Pike entries in Newfoundland church records, photographs of Pikes in Newfoundland cemeteries, and various other bits of information. For information on other families, scroll down several times.


If you know where to find the seal that was used to make the wax impression shown above
(from a document dated 10 January 1718), then please contact me at dapike@mun.ca.

Source: Dorset History Centre, D.1/2495 (photo taken by David Pike; used here with DHC permission)

Information about other Families

The information below pertains to the various other families in which I have a personal interest.
If you find this information useful, then perhaps you might want to take a moment to consider making a donation, not to me but to Memorial University for hosting my pages.

Other Genealogy Links

As anybody who closely looks at my family history database can tell, my research interests are heavily concentrated in Newfoundland, with futher interests in southwest England.

As an overview, my ancestors have resided primarily in the following communities.


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Last Modified: Sunday, 19-Jan-2025 16:47:01 NST