24 September 1557 Will of Robert Pyke of Marton, Wiltshire (proved 20 November 1557)

The original will can be obtained online from The National Archives.

Source: TNA, PROB 11/39

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In the name of god amen The xxiiii th daye of Septembre in the yere of our
Lorde god a thousannde fyve hundred fiftye and sevyn and in the fourthe and fyfte yeres of
Philipp and Marye by the grace of god King and Quene of Englannde Spayne Frannce
bothe Siciles herusalem and Ireland, defendours of the faithe Archedukes of Austria
Dukes of Burgundy Myllayn and Brabannte Counties of Habspurge Flannders and Tiroll
I Robert Pyke of Marton wtin the diocesse of S??? in the Countie of Wiltes seeke in bodye 
but of hole and parfitt mynde and remembrannce doo make and ordayne this my last will
and testament in manner and fourme following that is to saye First I geve my soule to
allmighti god And my bodye to be buryed in the churche of West Bedwyn Adn I do geve

to the same churche for my Lay stoone v?? viii d And I geve to the high aulter of Bedwyn aforesaid
xii d Also I geve to our mother churche of Sa?? aforesaide vi d Also I geve towardes the rePARaconnes
of Titcombe churche xii d Also I geve and bequeathe to Willm Pyke my eldest sonne twenty pounds
of monney or suche thinges as be somuche wourth a fetherbedde a payer of sheettes a white coverlette
a bolster Item I geve and bequeathe to Robert Pyke my sonne twenty marks in money or monney worth 
a flocke bedde a bolster a White coverlett and xl ? towards his fyne And I will that Elisabeth my
Wife shall pay haulf of all theis Legacies geven to my twoo sonnes Willm and Robert at her pleasr
a yere after my decease past and thother haulfe of the said Legacies when another is next after that
past And in the meane season if anny of thies my twoo sonnes Willm and Robert doo happyn to dye
before thies twoo yeres past and before their Legacies be paid Thenne I will suche parte of their
Legacies as is unpaide to remayn and be unto Elisabeth my Wif Also I geve and bequeath to Mary
my daughter  her mothers harnest gurdill Also I forgeve John Randall xl s the which he owith
me Also I geve and bequeathe to everye one of my iiii yonger sonnes Edmund Willm Thomas
and John seaven poundes a pece Item I geve and bequeathe to Bridgett my daughter Tenne
poundes and a fetherbedde a payer of sheetis a bolster and a Covrlett Item I geve and bequeathe
to evrye one of my godchildren iiii d Also I will that if anny of my yonger sonnes or Bridgett
my daughter doo departe this present life before the daye or dayes of their mariage That then
thother that doo lyve and survive to have that bequest Legacie or Legacies of the deeade egally
to be divided amongest them Item I will that if my Wife doo marrye that then my sonne Edmond 
shalhave my farme at the discreation of my overseers The Residewe of my goodes not geven nor
bequeathed I geve and bequeathe to Elisabeth my Wif whome I ordayne and make my full and
 sole executrix Thies being Witnesses John Smythe the Vicar  Edmond Pyke thelder  Robt
Woodrowff wt moo  And I make the saide John Pyke thelder and Robert Woodroff the overseers of
this my last will and testament

Probatum fuit [this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 20 November 1557]
vicesimo die
mensis Novembris Anno Domini Millmo quingentesimo quinquagesimo Septimo 
Elisabeth Relce et executricis 

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Last Modified: Sunday, 19-Apr-2020 13:08:09 NDT