10 January 1574 Will of William Carr of Bristol, merchant (proved 16 May 1575)

Source: TNA, PROB 11/57

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In the name of god amen The tenth daye of Januarye in the yere of or lord god one tho-
wsand five hundred seaventye foure And in the seavententh yere of the raigne of our sovraigne ladie Eliza
beth by the grace of god Queene of England Frannce and Ireland Defend of the faith &c I Willm Carr
of the citye of Bristoll marchannt beinge whole in minde and perfect remembrannce thanckes be unto all-
mightie god Doo ordeine and make this my present testament conteyninge my last will in mannr and forme
followinge First and above all thinges I commende my soule unto allmightye god my maker to Jesus
christ my only saviour and redemr And to the holy ghost my comforter And I doo assuredly and stedfast-
lye repose and putt my whole trust and affiance of cleare remission of all my sinnes and eternall salvacon 
only in the merites passion and blodshedinge of my said saviour Jesus Christ yf I die in Bristoll I will
that my bodie be buried in the parishe churche of Sainte Walburge in Bristoll by my late wife there buried
and then allmightye god to be praised and his word preched I doo require myne executors as they will answer before
god at the daye of Judgement to see all my detts iustly and truly paide And of the residew of my goodes and cattells
I doo by this my will bequeath and dispose as followeth Imprimis yf in my life tyme I doo not purchase unto the 
mayor and comonaltye of Bristoll lands and tenements of the cleare yerely value of tenne poundes to them
and theire Successors for the reliefe of the poore wythin the said citye accordinge to the condicon of an obligacon 
of twoo hundred and fiftie poundes wherein I stand bounde to the Camberlaine of Bristoll Then I will that 
myne Executors wthin one whole yere next after my Decease shall by good conveyannce in the lawe procure
and cause to be made unto the said maior and comonalty and to theire Successors forevr a good perfect and 
absolut estate in fee of and in landes and tenements of the cleare yerely value of tenne poundes above all chardges and 
reprises to be bestowed and imployed to and for the reliefe of the poore in mannr and forme followinge And my will
is that in suche deede of bargaine and sale as shall or maye be made unto the said maior and comonaltye of suche
landes and tenements of suche cleare yerely value of tenne poundes such use and uses be expressed and mentio-
ned in the same as in this my last will is contayned to wch use and uses the same Deede of bargaine and sale
and all other conveyances to be made of and concerninge suche landes and tenements of suche cleare yerly 
value of tenne poundes shalbe and to non other use entent or purpose that is to saye that they the said 
maior and comonaltye of the said citye for the tyme beinge shall yerely bestowe and paye or cause to be paid 
the rents and profitts risinge and growinge owt or of such landes and tenements of suche cleare yerely value of 
tenne poundes towardes the genrall reliefe of the poore people of the said citye in suche order as is nowe used
wthin the said citye of Bristoll so longe as the said good order shalbe observed kept and contayned wythin 
the said citie and the precincte therof And if the said good order for anie cause herafter shall happen to
be disolved then my will is that the maior and comonaltye of the said citie for the tyme beinge shall
yerely for evr disburse and paye owt the yerely rents and profitts of suche landes and tenements and
everye percell therof in mannr and forme followinge That is to saye to the poore people in the Almes 
howse upon Saint James Backe twentye one shillinges and foure pence and to the poore people 
in the Almes howse in lewins meade twentye syx shillinges eight pence And to the poore people in
the Almes howse of the three kinges of Cullen thirtye twoo shillinges And to the poore people 
in Saint Johns Alms howse fortye shillinges And to the poore personnes of newgate wch lyve

upon the bagge there foure poundes to be paide unto them and evrye of them on xpmas Eve Easter eve
midsomer eve and michaelmas eve for evr by even porcons And if the said maior and comonaltye and 
theire Successors shall at anie tyme herafter make default of true dispoicon and payment of the said 
yerely rents and profitts for the reliefe of the poore accordinge to the true entent and meaninge of this 
my last will Then I will that all person and persons and bodyes politique and evrye of them wch shall
then stand seased of suche landes and tenements so to be purchased as is aforsaid shall then and from thence-
forth stand and be seased therof and of evrye part therof t othe onlye use and behoofe of the right heires
of me the said William Carre for evr Itm I geve and bequeth unto Anne Carre my wiefe all and all
mannr goodes and Chattells reals and personals monee plate Jewells howshold stuffe and impleme-
nts of howshold wch I nowe have or at my tyme hertofore of right ought to have by reason of the 
entremariage betwene me and the said Anne fully and woholy in suche order mannr and forme to bee
unto my said wiefe and at her disposition as the same were or might have bene unto her at anye
tyme before I maried her and that she shall and maye quietly and peacibly have and retayne the 
same to her owne use wythowt entermedlynge therwith or ly?eryt therof to be had or made by myne 
executors Itm I geve unto my said wiefe twoo hundreth poundes Itm I geve and grannt unto
my said wiefe one Annuitye or yerely rent of twenty poundes to be Issuinge and goinge owt of all my
landes and tenements in woodspringe in the name of her Joynter to have occupie and to perceave to
to her and to her assignes for and duringe the terme of her naturall lyfe And yerely payable unto
her and to her assignes duringe her liefe at the feastes of xpmas Easter midsomer and michaelmas 
by even porcions And yf the said yerely rent of twenty poundes be behinde and unpaide in parte
or in all at anie of the said dayes of payment in or at wch the same shalbe due and payable that the
it shalbe lawfull to and for the said Anne Carre my wiefe into my howse and demesnes of woodspringe 
aforsaid to enter and distraine And the distres there so taken to drive leade and carye awaye and 
wyth her or them to detayne untill she or they be fully satisfied and payde of the said yerely rent
of twentye poundes and of the araregies therof if anie be Itm I geve and bequeth unto my said
wiefe the howse garden and orchard wyth the Appurtenncs wherin I nowe dwell and of wch I now
have the occupacon scituate and beinge in Baldwin streat within the said Cities of Bristoll To
and to hold unto her duringe her widowhoode wythowt payinge anie rent therfore Itm I doo
geve and bequeath unto my said wiefe the one halfe of all my howsold stuffe beinge in the said 
howse in this my will not bequethed And also one hundred owncs of plate perrell gilt and fiftie 
ownces of gylt plate Itm I doo geve and bequeth unto my sonne John Carre my howse garden and 
orchard with the Appurtenncs wherin I nowe dwell and wch be nowe in my proper occupacon and
possession scituate and beinge in Baldwin streat wthin the said citie of Bristoll to have and to holde 
to him and to his heires for evr savinge unto my said wiefe her widowes estate therin as is before
devised Itm I Devise and bequeth unto my said sonne John Carre all that messuage and tenements 
wyth the Appurtenncs nowe in the tenure or occupacon of walter Standfast scituat and beinge in
Baldwin streate To have and to hold to him and to his heires forevr Itm I geve and Devise unto my said
sonne John Carre and to his heires for evr all that messuage and tenement wyth the Appurtenncs and all
and singuler landes and tenements therunto belonginge called beardes land lyinge and beinge in the PARishe
of congresbury in the countye of Somrsette Itm I geve and bequeth unto my said sonne John carre the one
halfe of all my howshold stuffe beinge in my said now dwellinge howse in this my will not bequethed 
unto anie other Itm I geve unto my said sonne John Carre one hundred ouncs of plate guylt Itm
wheras I wyth Thomas Aldworth marchannt Doo stande bounde unto the Quenes matie for and ?? the said
John Carre in one obligacon of eight hundred poundes bearinge date the twentith daye of August in the fift-
enth yere of the raigne of our said sovraigne ladye the Queenes matie that nowe is for and concerninge
certaine portingale goodes delivred unto the said John Carre in respect of certaine goodes of the said John
Carres stayde in portingale if the said John Carre his executors and Administrators doo at all tymes 
herafter accuite discharge or otherwise sufficiently save and kepe harmeles as well my heires exec-
utors Administrators and assignes and evrie of them as the said Thomas Aldworth his heires exec-
utors Administrators and evrye of them of for and concerninge the said obligacon and the penaltie therin 
contayned And also yf the said John Carre his heires executors and Administrators shall at all times 
herafter permitt and suffer my executors quietly to execute theire office of executorship towching this 
my ??? last will and testament wythowt molestacon vexacon or sutt of lawe or otherwise for anie matter 
or cause whatsovr other then for suche legacies and bequests as by this my said last will are unto him geve

devised or bequethed Then I doo clearly remitte and release unto my said sonne John Carre all mannr of detts and 
dueties wch he oweth unto me either for monies or wares lent or sold unto him or disbursed for him or for or by
reason of anie accompte or accompts ????????? betwene hus but if the said John Carre his executors and Administrat-
ors or some of them shall not at all tymes herafter accuite discharge or sufficiently save harmeles my heires 
executors Administrators and assignes and evrye of them and the said Thomas Aldworth his heires execut
and Administrators and evrye of them for and concerninge the said obligacions or if the said John Carre his 
executors or Administrators shall at anie tyme herafter molest vex or interruptt my said executors
by sute of lawe or otherwise for anies accomptes or reckeninges or for anie other matter or cause other 
then for suche legacies and bequestes as by this my said last will are bequethed and geven unto
him Then I will that this my release be voide and of non effect And further I will and require
my executors that then and from thenceforth the recovr and receave of him all such detts and 
sommes of money as shall appeare by my booke or otherwise to be due unto me by him the said 
John Carre and the same so receaved to imploye and bestowe to suche good and charitable uses as
they shall thincke most convenient Itm I will that my said sonne John Carre at and upon the 
receate of the legacies herin to him bequethed shall seale and delivr unto my executors a good and 
sufficient accquitance and release as well of such legacies as of all other detts due unto him
before the date and delivrie of suche releas It whereas in my life time I have executed an estate in taile
to my sonne Edward Carre of and in the scite and demesnes of woodspringe in the countie of Som?? where
also I have assigned ovr unto him a leas in revrcon for the terme of twentye and one yers of and in the
personage of worle and kewstoke wyth the Appurtenncs in the said countye of Somrs where also I ha
ve lawfully assigned ovr unto him the said Edward Carre all my right title and interest to come of and 
in one close of pasture wyth the Appurtenncs call Collam in the said countye of Somrs I doo more 
ovr geve and bequeth unto my said sonne Edward Carre all my stocke and store of oxen kyne shepe &
all other cattell wch I have goinge or pasturinge in or upon the demesnes of woodspringe aforsaid or 
anie parte therof or in world or in kewstoke geldinges and mares excepted I geve and bequeth unto 
him the said Edward Carre all and all manner necessary implements and furniture of husbandrye 
wch I have in woodspringe aforsaid Itm I geve and bequeth unto him the said Edward Carre all my
howshold stuffe and implements of howshold in my said howse at woodspringe aforsaid savinge suche
as by this my will is geven and bequethed unto Alice younge and Anne younge daughters of willm 
younge Itm I geve unto the said Edward all suche corne as shalbe growinge upon anie my landes in 
woodspringe worle and kewstoke and of right pertayninge unto me at the time of my decease Itm I 
doo geve unto my said sonne Edward Carre one hundred ounces of plate perrell guylt and my countinge 
chest standinge on a frame in my bedde chamber afore streate Itm I geve and bequeth unto william 
younge my sonne in law and to my daughter Anne his wiefe and to the heires of the said Anne for evr one
messuage and tenement wyth a garden and orchard grounde therto belonginge with the Appurtenncs
as the same is nowe in the occupacon of henry wyat and not otherwise to extend anie further Itm
I devise and bequeth unto mary Ashe daughter of John Ashe of my daughter margaret deceased bego-
tten and to the heires of the bodye of the said mary lawfully begotten one messuage and tenement wth
the Appurtenncs in Baldwin streate aforsaid nowe in the occupacon of Nicholas hickes marchannt 
and all and all mannr wainscotte glasse draperye beddstedes and all other like implements of howshold 
wch I have therin And for default of such issue to remaine to Anne Ashe one other of the daughters of 
the said John Ashe and to her heires for evr Itm wheras by Indenture bearinge date the eight daye of 
August in the thirtenth yere of the raigne of the Queenes maiestie that nowe is I did convey and 
assigne ovr unto my frendes in trust william younge Richard Cole and John Ashe all that my leas and
terme of yeres wch I then had of and in all those landes and tenements comonly called and knowne 
by the name of the twelve farmes of weeke Sainte Lawrence in the county of Somrs to the only
use of my last will and testament I doo nowe by this my last will devise and dispose the whole 
profitts of the same for and duringe the said interest and terme of yeres in mannr and form follow-
inge that is to say Imprimis I will that my executors shall levy and receave the rents and
profitts of the same beinge the yerely rent of three score poundes for the space of twoo yeres next
and imediatly ensuinge after my decease And the same rent for the said twoo yeres well and truly 
to paye unto my said sonne John Carre at thend of evrie of the said twoo yeres threescore poundes to
the only use of the said John Carre Further I will and devise that the said yerely rent of threescore

poundes for and duringe the terme of tenne yeres next and imediatly followinge after the expiracon 
of the said twoo yeres shalbe receaved and levied by my executors to the only use and behoofe and
for and towardes the agreement satesfaction or payment of twoo thowsand poundes herafter pay-
able unto Richard Owen for the mannors of Congresbury and lawrence weeke And that when
sovr it shall happen herafter that that parson ??? at tyme of the decease of Ladye mary Allen or after havinge 
the imediat inheritannce of the said mannors of Congresbury and Lawrenceweeke either shall make
agreement wyty the said Richard Owen his executors or assignes in dischardge of the said some of twoo
thowsand poundes or otherwise to make payment and satisfaction of the same somme Then my will is that 
myne executors shall forthwyth upon request render up satisfie and paye unto suche parson whosoevr 
havinge the imediat inheritannce of the said mannors of Congresburye and lawrence weeke as shall make
suche agreement and satisfaction of the said somme of twoo thowsand poundes All suche yerely rents as
before that tyme since the expiracion of the said twoo yeres they have receaved and in the ende of evrie 
yere after suche satisfaction made duringe the residew of the said tenne yeres to make like payment of 
the said yerely rent untill the somme of six hundred poundes be paide owt towardes the satisfaction 
of the said somme of twoo thowsand poundes Itm I geve and bequeth to william younges children by 
my daughter Anne for and duringe the space of twelve yeares next and imediately followinge the ex-
piracon of the said tenne yeres owte of the said yerely rent of threescore poundes the somme of twentye 
poundes yerely to be equally devidid amongest them wch amounteth in the whole twelve yeres to the 
somme of twoo hundreth and fortye poundes Itm I geve and bequeth to mary Ashe and Anne Ashe 
the daughters of John Ashe by my daughter margaret for and by the space of the said twelve yeres 
owte of the said rent of three score poundes the somme of twelve poundes yerely equally to be devidid 
betwene them amountinge in the whole duringe the said twelve yeres to one hundred forty foure poundes 
Itm I geve and devise to my sonne Richard Cole and Alice his wiefe for the space of the said twelve yeres
owte of the said rent of threescore poundes the somme of eightene poundes yerely amountinge in the whole
duringe the said twelve yeres to twoo hundred and sixtene poundes Itm I will that all the residewe 
of the said yerely rent of threescore poundes beinge yerely tenne poundes and duringe the said twelve 
yeres wch ammounteth to one hundred and twentye poundes And also all the rents and profitts herafter due
and payable for the said twelve farmes for and duringe all the residewe of the yeres to come next after 
the expiracon of the said twelve yeres I will and devise that my executors shall well and truly satisfie
and paye unto such parson or parsons as havinge the imediat inheritannce of and in the said ma-
nnors of Congresburye and lawrence weeke shall make satisfaction or agreement of or for the said 
somme of twoo thowsand poundes the same to be well and truly paide in the ende of evrie yere in wch
my said executors shall or maye levye and receave the same Itm I geve and bequeth unto my sone
in lawe william younge and my daughter Anne his wiefe one hundred ounces of guilt plate Itm
I geve to Alice younge and Anne younge my said daughter Annes children to eche of them fiftie
ounces of plate parcell guylt Itm more I geve to the said Alice and Anne my said Daughters childr
to eche of them of the howshold stuffe wch I have in woodspringe one fetherbed of the best furnished 
wyth a bolster a paire of blancketts a redde covrlet twoo paire of sheetes one paire of pillowbeares 
And if Edward Carre will have the said beddinge to remaine at woodspringe then he shall pay unto
my said sonne william younge for and and to the use of the said children Alice and Anne the somme of 
thirtene poundes six shillinges eight pence for the same within a yere after my decease Itm I geve 
and bequeth unto my sonne in lawe John Ashe one hundred ounces of guylt plate Itm I geve and bequeth
unto Mary Ashe and Anne Ashe daughters of the said John Ashe by my daughter Margaret deceased 
to eche of them fiftie ouncs of plate parcell guylt and of my howshold stuffe in Bristoll to eche of 
them one fetherbedde one bolster one pillowe one paire of blancketts one covrled twoo pillowbeares 
twoo paire of sheetes more twoo table clothes twoo dozen of napkins and twoo towells all the same 
to be of the best ??perye in the howse savinge diaper and Damaske worke more to eche of the said chil
dren one crocke of brasse one panne one broche six ioyned stooles six Arras Cushins Also I geve unto
eche of them for servants begginge a plaine beddested a flocke bedde a bolster twoo paire of course
sheetes and a covrled Itm I geve and bequeth unto my sonne in lawe Richard Cole and my Daughter
Alice his wiefe three hundred ouncs of plate that is twoo hundred ouncs of guylt plate and one
hundred ouncs of parcell gilt Itm I geve to the makinge or reparinge of high wayes within fift-
ene miles of Bristoll five and twentie poundes Itm I geve to poor maidens marriages in Bristoll

six and twentie poundes thirtene shillinges and foure pence And my will is that no one maide have to her marr
iage above fortie shillinges but under at the discretion of myne executors Itm I geve to every poore m??
and poore woman in everie Almes howse within Bristoll twelve pence to the somme of tenne poundes Itm
I geve for the clothinge of the poore where neade is within Bristoll at the discretion of myne executors
three score poundes Itm I geve unto evrye of my maide servantns wch be dwellinge wyth me at the hower 
of my death besides theire wages truly paid unto them forty shillinges Itm I geve unto Edward Baro-
we my servannt my lease in revercon for one and twentye yeres wch I have of and in a messuage 
and tenement with the Appurtenncs and of the landes belonginge to the same lyinge and beinge in
Partshead in the county of Somrs nowe in the tenure or occupacon of Thomas Chapell Itm I geve 
unto William Olin ??? my lease in revercon for one and twentye yeres wch I have of and in one close of 
pasture with the Appurtenncs called carells hamme conteyninge by estimacon eight acres with 
the sea wall and three acres withowt the sewall lyinge and beinge in Partshead aforsaid and nowe
in the occupacon of John Stevens or John Cottrell Itm I geve to the poore presoners of newgate
wch lyve by the bagge twentie poundes to be bestowed on them weekely in breade at the discretion of 
myne executors Itm I geve to my frend Robert dowe twentie markes wch is for his children
Itm I geve to my cosen william Bithsea five pounde and a good gowne Itm I geve to Edmonde Cook
my servannt my leas in revrcon for one and twentie yeres wch I have of and in one messuage and
tenement with the Appurtenncs and of and in certaine landes therunto belonginge lyinge in
beinge in Oarswell in the parish of Portbury in the said countie of Somrs and nowe in the occ-
upacon of william Parker als lockyere or his Assignes Itm I geve to my frendes Thomas
kelke Thomas Aldeworth Thomas Rowland and Thomas simons marchannts to eche of them
twenty shillinges for a ringe Itm I geve to John Blande and Elizabeth Blande to eche of them five 
pounde Itm I geve to the marriage of Thomas Haynes daughter of Bristoll nowe dwelling wyth
william James wife widowe in Saint James parishe tenne pounde Itm I geve unto my frend Jacob ????
three poundes six shillinges eight pence and one of my gownes all myne Apparell I will to be geven unto
my children and frendes at hte discretion of myne executors And for the true and iuste execution and 
performance of this my last will and testament I doo ordeine and make my welbeloved frendes Richard 
Cole and John Ashe myne executors and I geve to eche of them for ther paines twentie poundes to see
the same in all p??ts faithfully performed and done as they will answer before god and as they wold 
that anie man shold doo for them in tyme to come The rest of all my goodes and chattels not beque-
thed I doo geve for and towards the payment of the said sonn of twoo thowsand pounde the same
to be paide by said executors to that person or persons wch shall make agremet or satisfaction 
of the same unto the said Richard Owen or to his Assignes Itm I will by this my pnte testa-
ment that all other former testaments before this time by me made shalbe utterly voide and of
non effect and this to be my very true and last will and testament And I doo praye my
welbeloved frendes willm younge Thomas Aldworth Thomas Rowland and Thomas Simons 
to be my ovrseers of this my last will and counsellors unto my executors in the same And
my will is that if anie ambiguitie or dowt doo arise in or concerninge anie clause bearinge
or article of this my said last will that my ovrseers or the most part of them shall open
and explane the same accordinge to the meaninge herin mentioned In wittnes wherof I
have herunto put my hand and seale the tenth daye of January a thowsand five hundred 
seventie and foure william Carr Firmed and sealed in presence of Thomas Aldworth
Thomas Rowland for wittnesss of the delivrie By me Thma Rowland by me Thoms Aldworth

Probatum fuit ...
[this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 16 May 1575]
Decimo sexto
die mensis Maii Anno dni millmo Quingentesimo septuagesimo quinto
Richd Cole executoris 

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Last Modified: Sunday, 13-Sep-2020 14:50:48 NDT