18 October 1482 Will of Richard Barett of London, haberdasher (proved 25 October 1482)

Source: TNA, PROB 11/7

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In the name of God Be itt Amen The xviii th daye of the moneth of Octobr the yere 
of oure Lord m cccclxxxii And in the xxii yere of the Reigne of kyng Edward the iiii th I Richard 
Barett Citezin and haberdassher of London beyng visited with syknes nevertheles in my good 
and hole mynde make and orden this my present testament of my moveable goodes conteynyng 
also therin my Last wyll of the disposicion of all my Landes and tents in suche forme as 
herafter folowyth that is to wyte First I bequeth and recomend my soule to oure Lord 
Jhu Criste to oure blessed Lady seint Mary the virgyn his mother And to all his seints in
hevyn And my body to be buried in the PARisshe Churche of seint Martyn within Ludgate of 
London that is to wyte within the Chapell of the same Church where I was wonte to 
sytt afore the Image there of seint Jame yf it maye so be Done or ells as nighe therto as
it maye be Done And after my body be buried And my monethes mynde done And all myn
Exequies fully Done for me then I wyll First and formest And before all other things that
all the Detts and Dueties the whiche can be founde Due by me to any maner Persone or PERsones 
of right or of conscience be wele and truely paide or sett in a suer wey so to be paide Adn 
after that done I bequeth to the highe Aulter of the seid churche of seint martyn in recompens
for all my tythes and oblacions forgotten yf any so be xiii s iiii d praying the Curate there 
tenderly to praye for me And to gyve me a Clere absolucion for all suche Dueties Item I 
bequeth to the same Churche for my seid sepultur therin to be hadde xvi l to be applied 
toward the bying of a Cople of honest Coopes to be bought for the same Churche by the PARishens
of the same And to ?ue in the quere there PER Rectores Chori in the principall fests of the yere 
aslong as they maye endure therto to the worship of Almyghty god and his seints Also 
I will that evry poore prisoner beyng deteyned in the prison houses of the kynds benche the 
marshalsie newgate and Ludgate at tyme of my decease have of myn Almes and 
charitie toward his sustennce by the delyverance of myn Executors betwene the tyme 
of my deceassyng and the tyme of my monethes mynde to be holden an halpeney loff of
good and holdin brede to pray for me Item I bequeth to the priour and Covent of the 
house of the blake Friers within Ludgate of London to praye for my soule vi s viii d
Item I bequeth to the priour and Covent of the house of white Friers in Fletestrete of
London to praye for my soule vi s viii d Item I bequeth xiii l vi s viii d therwith to
fynde an honest and discrete preste to syng or sey his masse and his other dyvyne
srvice in the seid Churche of seint martyn And to praye for my soule and for all xpen 
soules by the space of twoo yeres next ensuyng after my decease And I will that the 
seide prest have either yere for his salarie vi l xiii s iiii d Item I woll that Scolast 
my wyff kepe myn obite yerly on the daye that it shall fortune me to departe oute 
of this Lyff in the seid Churche of seint marten by the space of x yeres next suyng after 
my decease And that she distribute yerly in the seid obite so to be holden of my goods emong the 
prests and Clerks of the same Churche beyng present there and helpyng at the same obyte And 
for brede drynke and chese to be ordeyned for the same prests Clerks and neybours there and in 
Almes to be gyven to por people there x s Item I pardone and release to William Andrewe 
all the money that he oweth me unto Myghelmas Last past for his rent of my Lyvelod that 
he holdeth of me at holewey to praye for my soule And over that I bequeth to hym and to 
his wyff to either of them cloth competent for a blake gowne Item I bequeth to Raynold 
Ranndys my kynnesman dwellying in Swynneshed in the Countie of Huntyngdon to praye 
for my soule xl s and I pardone and relase to Thomas Ranndes his sonne tho xx s the whiche 
he oweth me Item I bequeath to the Comyaltie of the feliship of haberdasshers of London 
beyng of the Fraternytie of seint katryn of the same feliship for my soule to be hade in 
remembrance emong the seid feliship my C??pp of sylver gylt Covered with a kateryn 
of the topp of the Coveryng Item I bequeath to evryche of my Children nowe borne and
herafter to be borne xl l in money to be Delyvered to the same Children when they shall
come unto their ages of xxi yere or ells when they shalbe maried And I will that all
my seid children with all the sommes of money by me to them above bequethed remayne 
in the kepyng guydyng and governance of the seid Scolast my wyff unto the tyme that 
that she fynde sufficient suertie in the Chamber of the yelde hall of London as the maner 
is there for to delyver unto evryche of my children comyng to the seid age of xxi yeris or ells 
to the mariage there of the seid porcion of my bequeath to evry suche childe by me above 
bequethen withoute any encrease gyvyng to any suche childe except onely the resonable 

fy??deng of the same Childe in the meane tyme And yf it fortune any childe of all my seid Children to dye before it come 
to the seid age of xxi yeris And in the meane tyme be not maried than I woll that the xl l be me above bequethen 
to that childe so first dying be bestowed after the decease of that my childe so first dying be myn executors in
fyndyng of an honest and a discrete prest to syng or saye his masse and his other devyne srvice in the seid churche
of seint marten And to praye for my soule And the soule of my childe so first dying and for all Cristen soules by 
the space of vi yeres next suyng after my decease of my seid childe so First dying And I woll that the same 
prest have evry yere of the same vi yeris for his Salarie vi l xiii s iiii d And yf it fortune any mo of my
seid children for to dye after the decease of my first child so dying before they come to their seid age of xxi
yereis and in the meane tyme be not maried than I woll that parte or the partes of my bequest 
aforeseid belongyng to that my childe or to thoo my children so dying after the decease of my childe so first 
dying remayne to myn to myn other children than surviving emonges them evenly to be devided dePARted 
and delyvered when and as they shall come unto their seid ages of xxi yeris lesse than they or any of 
them be maried in the meane tyme And in case it fortune so that all my seid children dye before that 
they come to their seid ages of xxi yeres and in the meane tyme be not maried than I woll that all the 
seid somes of money belongyng to all my childre aforseid by reason of my Legates aforseid except the 
some of xl l belongyng to my childe first dying be foree of my seid bequest the whiche I have above 
assigned howe to be bestowed shalbe disposed be myn executors after the decease of all my seid children 
in the forme suyng that is to wyte to Scolast my wyff yf she than be a lyve to her owne propre use 
and behoffe c l And emong my poore kynnesfolks after the discrecion of myn executors xx l And all
the residue to be disposed be myn executors in dedis of pitie and Charitie as they shall hope best to please 
Almyghty god And most proffite unto my soule Item I bequeth to William Seton Coteler to thentent that 
he take uppon hym the charge of execution of this my present testament and Last will lxvi s vi s viii d And 
I bequeth to Roger Shaveloke Taylor under the same forme and entent lxvi s viii d And the residue of 
all my goodes catalls and detts whate so ever they be after my funrall expens full done my detts fully paide 
the legates conteyned in this my prsent testament fully PERformed And all other charges borne and done that 
owen to be borne and done for me I gyve and bequeath holly to the seid Scolast my wyff to her owen proper 
use and behoff
And Here suyngly foloweth the Last wyll of me the seid Ric Barett as to 
the disposicion of all my landes and tenements the whiche I or any other unto my use the daye of makyng 
herof have in the Citie of London and Suburbes of the p??e that is to wyte First I wyll that the seid 
Scolast my wyff after my decease have all my landes and tenements sett and beyng in the prsshes of seint martyn
within Ludgate and of seint myghell at quenehith at london to her and to her heires and assignes for evrmore 
And I will that my cofeffes of and in all the same Landes and tenements make a sufficient astate in the Lawe in
fee symple to the same my wyff And to other PERsones whom she shall name and assigne to her use and behoffe of 
and in the same Landes and tenements at suche tyme after my decease as they shalbe requyred therto by my 
seid wyff Item I woll that my seid wyff after my decease have to her and her assignes duryng her lyff all
myn other Landes and tenements the whiche I have in the Citie of London sett and beyng in the PARisshes of our 
Lady at Bowe and of seint Oluff besyde mart lane of London And after the decease of my said Wyff I woll
that Bartilmewe my sonne have my seid Landes and tenements sett in the PARisshe of oure Lady at Bowe
to hym and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten And yf it happen the seid Bartylmewe to dye wtoute 
heir of his body Lawfully begotten than I woll that the seid landes and tents sett in the PARisshe of Bowe 
remayne to the Childe nowe beyng in my wyffs wombe yf that childe whan it is borne be a manchilde to 
have unto the same childe and to the heires of the body therof Lawfully begotten And yf the same childe 
whan it is borne be a man childe And dye withoute Issue of his body therof lawfully begotten or ells yf
the same childe whan it is borne be a woman childe than I woll that the said landes and tents 
sett in the seid PARisshe of oure Lady att bowe remayne to Joane myn eldest dowgter And to the heirs
of her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Elisabeth 
my doughter And to the heires of her body Lawfully beggotten And for defaute of suche Issue the
remaynder therof to Alice my Doughter and to the heires of her body Lawfully begotten And for 
defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Julian my Doughter And to the heires of her body 
Lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Anne my Doughter 
and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof 
to Annes my Doughter And to the heires of her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue 
the remaynder therof to the childe nowe beyng in my wyves wombe yf the same childe when it is 
borne be a woman childe And to the heires of the body therof Lawfully begotten And for defaute 
of suche Issue the remaynder thereof to myn Executors above wryten yf they or any of them then 
be alyve And to their heires And assignes to this entent that they when the seid Landes and tents 
sett in the seid PARisshe of oure lady at Bowe shall so come unto their possession shall sell the 
same landes and tents as sone as they goodley maye at suche reasonable price as they shall
mowe sell them And of the money comyng of the sale I woll that the same sellers have evry
pece of them for his labor to be had in that behalf xl s And all the residue of the money comyng 
of the same sale I woll that the same sellers dispose for my soule and for all Cristen soules in 
dedis of pitie And charitie as they by their wyse discrecions shall hope best to please Almyghti

god And moste proffite to my soule And yf it fall so that none of myn Executors at that tyme be
a lyve than I woll that the seid Landes and tenements sett in the seid PARisshe of our Lady at Bowe
be solde by the PERsone of the PARisshe churche of seint martyn aforseid And by the wardens of the goodes 
and ornaments of the same churche for the tyme beyng And be iiii worshipfull men of the same 
PARisshe at suche reasonable price as they shall mowe sell them And of the money comyng of the same 
sale I will that the same sellers bestowe in rePARacion or Renewyng of the ornaments of the same 
churche xxl as shalbe thought best to be done by the advice of the most PARtie of the honest PARisshens of 
the same PARisshe And of the same money comyng of the seid sale I woll that evryche of the same sellers
have for his Labor to be hade in this behalf xl s And the residue of the money comyng of the same sale 
I woll that the same sellers dispose for my soule And all Cristen soules in dedis of pitie And charitie 
as they by their wyse discrecions shall hope best to please god And moste proffite to my soule Item 
after the decease of the said Scolaste my wyff I woll that my seid Landes and tents sett in the PARisshe 
of seint Oluff besyde martelane remayne to the seid childe nowe beyng in my seid wyffs wombe yf 
that childe whan it is borne be a manchilde to have unto the same manchilde And to the heires 
therof Lawfully begotten And yf the same Childe whan it is borne be a manchilde And dy wtoute 
heir of the body therof Lawfully begotten or ells yf the same childe whan it is borne be a woman 
childe then I woll that the said Landes and tents sett in the PARisshe of seint Oluff remayne to the seid 
Bartilmewe my sonne And to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue 
the remaynder therof to Anneys my daughter and to the heires of her body Lawfully begotten And 
for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Julian my doughter And to the heires of her 
body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Annes my doughter
and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof 
to Elisabeth my daughter And to the heires of her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche
Issue the remaynder therof to Alice my doughter And to the heires of her body lawfully begotten And 
for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to Joane myn eldest doughter And to the heires of 
her body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder therof to the childe 
nowe beyng in my wyves wombe yf the same childe whan it is borne be a manchilde And to 
the heires of the body therof lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche Issue the remaynder 
therof to myn Executors above writen yf they or any of them then be alyve And to their heirs 
and assignes to this entent that they when the seid Landes and tents set in the seid PARisshe of seint
Oluff shall so come unto their possession shall sell the same Landes and tents as sone as they 
goodly maye at suche resonable price as they shall mowe sell them And the money comyng 
of the same sale I will that the same sellers have evry pece of them for his labor to be hade 
in that behalf xl s And that all the residue of the mony comyng of the same sale I will that 
the same sellers dispose for my soule and all Cristen soules in dedis of pitie and charitie as they by 
their wyse discrecions shall hope best to please Almyghty god And most proffite unto my soule 
And yf it fall so that none of myn executors at that tyme be alyve than I woll that the seid 
Landes and tents sett in the seid PARisshe of seint Oluff be solde by the PARsone of the PARisshe Churche 
of seint Martyns aforseid And by the wardens of the goodes and ornaments of the same churche 
for the tyme beyng And by iiii worshipfull men of the same PARisshe at suche reasonable price 
as they shall mowe sell them And the money comyng of the same sale I woll that the same 
sellers bestowe in the rePARacon or renewyng of the ornaments of the same churche xx l as 
shalbe thought best to be done by the advices of the most p??tie of the honest PARisshens of the 
smae PARisshe And of the seid money comyng of the same sale I woll that the same sellers have 
evryche of the same have for his Labor in that behalff xl s And all the residue of the mony
comyng of the same sale I woll that the same sellers dispose for my soule and for all Cristen
soules in dedis of pitie and charitie as they by their wyse discrecions shall hope best to please 
Almyghti god And most proffite unto my soule And of this my present testament and last 
wyll I make and orden myn Executors the Scolast my wyff and william Seton Coteler 
and Roger Chaveloke Taylour Citezens of London Than there beyng prsent John Lee
Taylour William Cuk Taylour William White Thaloughchaundeler William Basse
Latoner Citzens of London and other called unto the prmisses and specially reguyred

Probatum fuit ... Apud knoll ...
[this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 25 October 1482]
xxv die mensis Octobris
Anno dni Millimo quad??gentisimo lxxxii  

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