5 February 1645 Will of Richard Pike of Cambridge, baker (proved 30 April 1646)

The original will can be obtained online from The National Archives.

Source: TNA, PROB 11/195

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Also, if you are a male Pike/Pyke (or you know one) who may be willing to do a genealogical DNA test, then please check out the Pike DNA Project for which I am a volunteer coordinator. There are several Pike/Pyke families that are not yet represented in the project, and for whom participants are wanted.

In the name of God Amen the fiveth day of 
Februarie in the one and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne 
Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland & France & Ireland
defender of the faith &c And in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred
fortie and five I Richard Pike of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge baker
being at this present sick and weak in body yett of a sound and perfect minde and
memorie (the Lord be praised) doe make and declare this my last Will and
Testament in manner and forme following viz First and principallie I
comitt and comend my soule into the hands of allmightie God my loveing father
in Jesus Christ verilie beleiving through the onely death and meritts of my alone
Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to have the full and free pardon and remission of
all my sins and to be made partaker of everlasting glorie And I will my bodie
shalbe decentlie buried at the discrecon of my Executors hereafter named And
forthose earthlie goods wch God of his bountie hath given me I dispose of them as
followeth vizt Imprimis I give unto my eldest sonne Henry Pike his heires and
assignes for ever All those my Copihould Lands tenements and hereditaments 
whatsoever scituate lying and being in Fordham in the Countie of Cambridge wch
I heretofore had by the surrender of one Rayner And also all those Lands tenemts and
hereditaments whatsoever wth thappurtenances aswell freehould as copihould wch were
heretofore mortgaged to me by Luke Waller lying and being in Coton ?? Granchester
in the said Countie Item I also give unto my said sonne Henrie Pike Three score
pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to him wthin one yeare next after
my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my second sonne Richard Pike of
Witton in the Countie of Hants Clerke All my messuages Lands tenements meadows
pastures marishes and hereditaments whatsoever aswell freehold as copiehould
scituate lying and being in the towne and boundes of Over in the Countie of 
Cambridge aforesaid To have and to hould the said messuages lands Tenements 
meadowes pastures marishes and hereditaments whatsoever scituate lyeing and
being in Over aforesaid wth all and singuler thappurtennces unto the said
Richard Pike my sonne his heires and assigns To the onely use of my said sonne
Richard Pike his heires and assignes for ever Item I give unto the said Richard Pike
my sonne One hundred pounds of lawfull money of England Item I give and
bequeath unto my third sonne William Pike All the lease right estate terme
of yeares and de???????d wch I now have or may clayme of in or to the messuage

or Tenement wheren I now dwell And all the weights scales measures and troses
wch I now employ in my trace of bakeing And all the Cornegraine and meate wch
I shall leave at my death And also all the debts wch shalbe due to me at my death
upon my woodden ta??? Item I give unto my said sonne William Two hundred
pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid him as followeth vizt Fiftie pounds
thereof wthin three moneths after my death And thother one hundred and fiftie
pounds wthin one yeare next after my death Item I give unto Mary my loveing wife
for the tearme of her naturall life All my messuages Tenements Cottages orchards
yards gardens and hereditaments whatsoever scituate lying and being in the parish
of the holie Trinitie in Cambridge aforesaid And after the death of my said wife
I will that all the said messuages tenemts Cottages orchards yards gardens and
hereditaments wth all and singular thappurtennces scituate lying and being in the
said parish of the holie Trinitie shall remaine unto John Pike my fowerth sonne
his heires and assignes for ever Item whereas I have by a certain Indenture
bearing date the seaventh day of August last past before the day of the date of
this my Will for the Consideration therein expressed graunted bargained and sould
alyened enfeoffed and confermed unto Phillipp Scarlett of Cambr aforesaid
Staconer his heires and assignes for ever All that my messuage or tenement now
in the occupacon of the said Phillipp Scarlett scituate lyeing and being in the
parish of hte blessed virgin Mary next the markett in Cambridge aforesaid under 
the Condicon for the payment of money upon divers daies and by severall sums
As by the said Indenture had and made betweene me the said Richard pike on
the one parte And the said Phillipp Scarlett on thother parte more at large
may appeare Now I give all the money due to me from the said Phillipp Scarlett
and his heires unto my said sonne John Pike And in case the said Phillipp Scarlett
his heires executors or administrators shall faile in payment of the said money in part
or in all contrary to the true meaning of the said Condicon in the said recited Indenture 
declared Then I give and bequeath unto my said sonne John pike his heirs and 
assigns for ever All that my said messuage or Tenement now in the occupacon of the
said Phillipp Scarlett scituate lying and being in the said parish of the blessed virgin
Mary and the revercon and revercons of the same wthall and singular thapptenncs 
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary now wife of Edward Wilson of
Cambrdige aforesaid Chandler to her Executors and admidstrators One hundred and
fiftie pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid her, to her or to hir Executors or
admdstrators as followeth vizt wthin six moneths next after my death Fiftie
pounds thereof and wthin twelve moneths next after my death fiftie pounds more
thereof and wthin eighteene moneths next after my death thother fiftie pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid sonne William Pike his heires and
assigns for ever All my messuage or tenement and Lands scituate lying and
being in Fordham aforesaid wch I heretofore bought of William Pettet Item I
give and bequeath unto the said Mary my loving wife All the househould stuffe and
all the pewter brasse linnen and plate wch I shall have att my death and not
before in this my will bequeathed Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne
Richard Pike his heires and assignes for ever to his and their owne proper use All the
Lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever wch i shall have att my death and not
before in this my Will bequeathed Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett
Pike my grandchild who now dwelleth wth me my said sonne Richard Pikes daughter
Twentie pounds of lawfull money of England Item my desire is that a faithfull
preacher shalbe procured to pray the word of God to my freinds assembled att my

buriall for the everlasting good of their soules And I give to the Preacher that
shall performe that Office Twentie shillings and a paire of gloves Item I give
unto the poore people of Bennett parish wherein I now inhabit fortie shillings
of lawfull money of England to be distributed amongst them upon the day of my
buriall by the Church wardens of the said parish as followeth vizt twentie shillings
in money and twentie shillings worthen bread Item I give unto the poore people
of Over aforesaid twentie shillings worth of bread to be distributed amongst them by
the Churchwardens of Over aforesaid wthin one weeke next after my death And I
will that upon the say when the said bread shalbe distributed in Over aforesaid
my Executors shall expend twenty shillings in Oaks and beere at Over aforesaid
for the refreshment of my kindred and freinds there Item I will that a serom shalbe
procured at Over aforesaid att the said time And that the Preacher shall have
tenn shillings and a paire of gloves All the rest of my goods and chattells (my debts
and Legacies being paid and funerall charges being defrayed I give unto the said
Mary my loveing wife and to the said Richard Pike my sonne to be equallie divided
betwixt them And I make and ordaine the said Mary my wife and the said
Richard Pike my sonne Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I
ordaine Richard Pettit of Cambridge aforesaid Publique Notarie my loveing freind
Supervisor of this my Will And I give him fortie shillings of lawfull money of
England as a token of my love. I hereby revoke all former Wills by me heretofore made
In wittnes whereof to this my last Will and Testament being written in five sheets
of paper and fixed togeather wth a shredd of parchment I the said Richard Pike have
putt my hand and seale the day and yeare first abovewritten Richard Pike
Sealed subscribed acknowledged and delivered by the said Testator the day and
yeare first abovewritten in the prnce of Robert Clerke  Richard Pettit No Pub
John Annger and of me Robert Reverington Servant to the said Notary

Probatum fuit [this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 30 April 1646]
ultimo die mensis Aprilis Anno dni
Millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo sexto
Marie relectie & Richard
Pike filii 

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Last Modified: Sunday, 19-Apr-2020 12:26:45 NDT