6 May [1544] Will of Roger Barlowe of Slebech, esquire (proved 27 June 1554)

Source: TNA, PROB 11/37

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In the name of god Amen I Roger Barlowe of Slebyche in the Countie 
of Pembroke Esquier the vi daye of Maye in the Seventh yere of the Reigne of our Sovraigne 
Lorde kinge Edwarde the Sext by the grace of god of England Frannce and Ireland kinge 
Defender of the faithe and in earthe of the churche of England and Ireland supreme heade 
make my Last will and testament in maner and forme folowing Revoking all other willes 
and testaments by me before this tyme made First I bequeathe my soule to god and to his sonne 
Jhu Christ as a true xpaine man ought to do my bodye to be buryed wtout supstitious worldly 
Pompe as a Christen man ought to be after my degree And first above and before althings
I will that all my debts be paide namely all suche as by bill of myne hande or otherwise maye
Lawfullye happen to be my dewe debte and dutie Item I bequeathe toward the RePARacion of the 
parishe Churche of Slebiche xl d Item I bequeathe to the poore folks of the Allmes house of 
Haverforde west to every one of them xii d apece Item I bequeathe to George Pyne my srvnte
Tenne poundes Item to Willyam Batherwaghe my srvnte Tenne poundes Item I bequeathe 
to my wief Julyane Barlowe two hundreth pounds and half my household stufe and half my
Plate withall her Rayment and Juells Item I bequeathe to my said wief the PARsonage of 
Martheltwye with thappurtenncs or els tenne pounds of yerely rent by waye of rent charge 
to be taken owte of all my Landes and tenements in the Countie of Pembroke or ells where 
payable at two tymes of the yere that is to saye at the feast of Phillipp and Jacobe and Seynt
Mighell tharchanngell by even portions And for Lack of payment that yt shalbe Lawfull
for my said wief to distreyne in all my said Lands for the said yerely rent To have and to holde
the said PARsonage or the saide yerelye rente to my said wief at her eleaton to be taken during 
the naturall lyf of my saide wief Item further I bequeathe unto my saide wief my Mansion
howse of Slebych which I nowe dwell in wt all and singuler thappurtennts and all my
Landes and tenements thereunto belonginge in as large and Ample manr as I at the 
daye do occupie as myne owne demeanes and also all my dyery house at Mynwer with all
the Stock and Cattell ther goinge or used and occupied with the same To have and to holde the 
saide Mansion house and dyery howse with all thappurttncs Stock and Cattall as before ys
saide to my wief during the tyme she kepith herself soole unmaried or uncontracted soo
that she theruppon do maynteyn the household and kepe my Children upon the same untyll
they be maried or otherwise bestowed or sett forward Provided alwaye that my sonne John
Barlowe or suche other sonne as shalbe myne next heyre beinge maried shall have his dwellinge 
in my said howse of Slebiche and have thone half of the said mansione house and landes to the 
same belonginge the saide dyerie and the Stock and Cattall belonging to the same And yf my said 
wief do marie or make conracte with any parsonne then I will that my said sonne John 
Barlowe or suche other sonne as shalbe myn heyre shall have all my said howse of Slebyche
and the said dyerie in suche maner and forme as my saide wief by this my will was appoynted 
To have the same And further I will that my wief shall release all her right of dowerye 
or Joynture that she canne or might clayme oute of my landes and all her right that she by 
custome or otherwise canne clayme to have of any parte of my goodes And if she challenge or 
demannde any thinge either in Landes or in goodes contrary to this my will than I will that all
my legacies to her before made be clerely voide revoked and adnullyd Item I bequeathe to Marie 

my doughter Sixe and fourtie poundes sixe shillings and eight pence over and above Twentie pounds
which I am bounde to give unto her by thagrement taken betwene me and my brother Thomas 
Barlowe Item I bequeath to my doughter Elizabeth and to my doughter Katheryn to every of them fourtie 
poundes apece And if any of my said three dye before they be maried than I will that the
parte of her or them so dynge shall remayne to her or theym that shall survive Item I will that myne
Executours shall have all my lease for terme of yeres to chuse of my sonnes that I have by Julyane 
Barlowe my wief (except suche sonne as at the tyme of my deathe shalbe myne heire) And my will ys
that myne Executours shalby their discrecon appoynte some convenient parsone or PERsones yerely to Receyve 
thissues Rents and proffitts of the same And to kepe a PERfytt booke therof and yerely to make an accompte
therof to my said Executours or one of them And the profytts therof growing yerely to be equallie bestowed
upon my saide sonnes towards their fyndinge And thoverplusse to be converted and lande uppe together 
or occupied in some stocke by the discretion of myne Executours And the same with the profytts therof to
be equally devided amongest my saide sonnes when they or any of theym shall come to thage of xxv yeres 
And if any of my said sonnes dye before they shall come to the said age than I will that the parte or porcion 
of hym or theym that so shall channse to dye shall remayne to th???sidue of my saide sonnes that shall srvive
After whiche thinge so donne and parformyd or if all my saide sonnes channce to dye before they shall come 
to the said Age of xxv years than I will that my said Leases and all the profytts therof not being bestowed 
as before ys saide shall goo unto John Barlowe my sonne and heire or els to suche other parsone or PERsones 
as shall than be myne next heire by course of the kinges Lawes Item I bequeathe and give to my sonnes 
Frannces Barlowe Robert Barlowe and Marteyn Barlowe to every of them Twentie pounds apece to 
be deduced oute of suche debts as tey shall channce to owe me at the tyme of my deathe And if they shall
channse to ower me moer Than the said some of Twentie poundes apece to be delyvered unto them by myne 
Executours at suche tyme as they and every of theym shall come to the full age of xxv yeres as before ys 
saide Item I bequeath to every of my said sonnes that I had by Julyane Barlowe Twentie pounds 
a pece to be delyvered unto theym by myne Executours at suche tyme as they and evry of them shall 
come to thage of xxv yeres And yf any of them dye before they shall come to that age than I will 
that the porcions of hym or them so channsinge to dye shall remayne to the rest of my said sonnes begotten 
uppon the saide Julyane Barlowe that shall ??elyve to be equallie devyded amongest them and to be 
delyvered as before ys declared And if it channse all my saide sonnes to dye before they shall come to the 
said age of xxv yeares than I will the procons of theym shalbe bestowed upon my said three daughters 
equallye to be devyded as before is saide Item I bequeath to John Barlowe my sonne and heire or to 
suche sonne as shall channse to be myne heire at the tyme of my deathe thother haulf of my household 
Stuff and thother haulf of my plate to be delyvred hym at his full age of xxi yeres Item I bequeathe 
to my brother the byshope of Bathe my best hersse or geldinge And to my brother the deane of Worcester
my second best horse or geldinge Item to Elizabeth Adams twentie shillings Item to every srvnnte in
my howse fourtie pence apece The residue of all my goodes and cattalls yf anie be I will that myne 
Executours shall bestowe uppon my saide sonnes begotten by Julyane Barlowe equallie to e devyded at 
suche tyme as they or any of theym shall come to the saide Age of xxv years And if any of them channse 
to dye before they come to the saide Age then I will tehir saide procons shall come or growe to them as 
shall survyve as before ys saide And I do constitute and make Executours of this my last will & testamet
my welbeloved brother Thomas Barlowe John Barlowe my sonnne and heire Apparannte or else
suche sonne as shalbe myne heire at the tyme of my deathe Willyam Harper of London draper 
Edward Prynne of Bristowe Marchannte John Raftell of Tynbye Esquier Requiring theym
in godes byhaulf to se this my pnte will and testament dewlie PERformyd accordinge to myne entente 
before declared And I give and bequeathe to every of myne Executours for their paynes in that behaulf 
to be taking fyve poundes apece And will further that they before all things my debts paide shalbe 
allowed of suche costes charges and expencs that they or any of them shalbe putt or shall in any manr 
wise sustayne in and abowte thexecutinge of this my pnte will and testament or for or by occasion therof 
And I will be my welboved brother the Bisshope of Bathe myne Overseer of this my pnte will 
Desiring hym to putt his helpe and furtherannce to the trewe PERformannce of the same accordinge to 
myn entent before declared In witnes whereof I the said Roger Barlowe to this my Will and testament 
indentyd have putt my Seale and subscribed my name the Daye and yere above saide

Vicesimo septo die Mensis Junii Anno dni Millimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo 
quarto ...
[this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 27 June 1554 to]
Julian Barlowe Relicte ... Johis Barlowe filii ... Thomas Barlowe Willmus Harper Edwardus Pryne et Johis Rascell 

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Last Modified: Saturday, 28-Nov-2020 15:49:59 NST