Latest update: October 2024

This is the first in a series of upcoming updates, expanding the collection of graphs on the site.

Recent additions: expanding the collections of Hamming graphs, Johnson graphs and Kneser graphs; new pages for the families of Peisert graphs and nonisotropic orthogonal graphs.

Note that not all indexes (graphs by number of vertices, valency, or diameter) have been updated: this is still work in progress!

Major update: March 2024

New graphs added to the site: Peisert graph (49 vertices), halved folded 8-cube, halved folded 10-cube, $\mathrm{Sp}_6(2)$, $VO_6^{-}(2)$, Gritsenko graph, Rijeka graph, Trsat graphs, the flag graphs of $GQ(3,3)$ and of $GQ(4,4)$, the point graph of $GQ(4,4)$, folded Johnson graphs from $J(8,4)$, $J(10,5)$ and $J(12,6)$, merged Johnson graphs from $J(7,3)$, $J(9,4)$, $J(10,3)$ and $J(11,4)$, and the doubled Grassmann graph $DJ_2(5,2)$.

New categories: The former "over 200 vertices" category has been split into several smaller ones — see this page for details.

Pages updated: Some broken links and other typos have been corrected: thanks are due to the various users of the site who pointed these out! Also, some formatting changes (reducing the use of MathJax to where it's more necessary) should make the site more navigable.

Major update: August 2019

New graphs added to the site: antipodal 3-cover of Zara graph, Coolsaet–Degraer cover of $K_{14}$, coset graphs of the shortened ternary Golay code and the shortened extended ternary Golay code, Delsarte graph, flag graph of $PG(2,5)$, Games graph, Goethals–Seidel graph, Koolen–Riebeek graph, Meixner's 2-cover and 4-cover of the $U_6(2)$ graph, Moscow–Soicher graph (and its distance-2 graph), Norton–Smith graph, $O_7(3)$ graph, Ree–Tits generalized octagon, Shi–Krotov–Solé graph, Soicher's first, second and third graphs, symplectic 3-cover of $K_{14}$, 3-cover of $K_{17}$, 5-cover of $K_{12}$, 5-cover of $K_{17}$ and 7-cover of $K_{9}$, Tits graph from $\phantom{.}^2 F_4(2)'$, $U_6(2)$ graph (and its complement).

Pages updated: automorphism groups have been added on several pages; the page for unitary graph from $P\Gamma(U)(3,4)$ has been corrected to indicate that it is distance-transitive; the GAP files have been replaced for the flag graph of $PG(2,3)$ and flag graph of $PG(2,4)$.

New category: Antipodal covers of complete graphs.

Previous updates

27 March 2019: corrected the spectrum of the 2nd subconstituent of the McLaughlin graph, as well as updating the GAP file (to use the full automorphism group).

22 October 2018: fixed a typo in the intersection array of the Johnson graph $J(10,5)$.

14 August 2018: fixed the spelling of "Schläfli" on the Schläfli graph and complement of Schläfli graph pages.

27 January 2018: corrected the automorphism group on the dodecahedron page.

5 January 2018: fixed links to data files from the Hamming graph $H(2,10)$ page.

4 August 2017: added some Grassmann graphs, namely $J_2(4,2)$, $J_2(5,2)$, $J_2(6,2)$, $J_3(4,2)$ and $J_2(6,3)$.

4 August 2017: fixed a typo in the automorphism group of the point graphs of the generalized hexagons $GH(2,2)$.

3 August 2017: fixed a typo in the page An introduction to distance-regular graphs.

25 July 2017: added the $\mathrm{G}_2(4)$ graph on 416 vertices.

25 July 2017: updated naming and external link for the Hall–Janko near octagon on 315 vertices, also known as the Cohen–Tits near octagon.

2 July 2017: added the Zara graph on 126 vertices.

7 June 2017: pages now use the more specific term symmetric transversal design in place of "resolvable transversal design".

7 June 2017: added the Suetake graph (incidence graph of symmetric transversal design $\mathrm{STD}_4[12;3]$).

7 June 2017: reorganized index of incidence graphs.

7 June 2017: corrected the spectrum of the hexacode graph.

22 February 2017: site launched.

Last updated: 31 October 2024