
Bridge Files

I started playing duplicate bridge during university. After some success, including a trip to the World Pair Olympiad in 1978, I took an almost 30-year leave of absence from competitive play in 1984 resuming in 2013. I have always been interested in new conventions and system design. I am working on two different systems now. One is a strong club system and the other is a version of Standard. Both are Open-compliant.

SCUD, the strong club system, is based on Marshall Miles' Unbalanced Diamond.  Improvements include DMZ,  transfer responses to the strong club, Double-Barreled Birthright, Scudzilli and Relay Checkback. Optimized for matchpoints, this is the system I prefer to play if I have a choice.

The Standard system is called "SOS with Transfer Responses to 1♣." The SOS is short for Standard On Steroids. If I ever return to a standard system with a regular partner, this is the one I would like to try.

SCUD has been published by Master Point Press and is available in print or as an ebook. SOS has its own pdf below. I add and tweak things fairly regularly. Check for updates from time to time.

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Copyright © 2023 - Page updated Oct. 23, 2023.