2017 AARMS Workshops on Scientific Computing Software

May 27-31, 2017, St. John's, NL, Canada

Important Details

Tentative PETSc Workshop schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
9-10:30 Introduction and Installation Profiling and Matrix Redux PETSc Core II: Time Integration
10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:40-noon Building Blocks and Options Application Integration PETSc Core II Continued
noon - 1pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
1-2:30 PETSc Core I: SNES, Linear systems, DMDA Driven cavity - SNES formulation Hydrostatic ice, Coupled Problems
2:30-2:45 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
2:45-4:30 PETSc Core I continued Performance and Scalability Recent Developments


Scott MacLachlan, MUN
Ronald Haynes, MUN
Hermann Brunner, MUN
Paul Muir, Saint Mary's
David Iron, Dalhousie
Theodore Kolokolnikov, Dalhousie


AARMS (the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences), the AARMS Collaborative Research Group in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, the Centre for Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science at Saint Mary's University will bring students and researchers interested in scientific computing to a 5-day workshop in beautiful St. John's, NL, Canada.

The meeting will consist of two independent workshops, a 2-day Software Carpentry workshop, presented by ACENET Research Consultants on May 27-28, 2017, and a 3-day PETSc tutorial, led by Prof. Jed Brown of CU-Boulder, on May 29-31, 2017.



Registration is available here. Registration fees are as follows:

All fees include HST. Registration includes two coffee breaks per day during the workshop days, as well as participation in the workshop reception.

Travel Support

Partial travel and local support is available for student and early career participants. To apply for support, email smaclachlan AT mun.ca . If you are receiving travel support, you are still responsible for making all of your own bookings for travel, accommodations, and registration for the workshop and paying for your expenses during the workshop. Reimbursements will be made after the workshop, and only with a properly completed travel claim form.


Accommodations are available on the Memorial campus, book here.