Comments on the Multiple Choice questions in AMAT 2120 Final Exam

Multiple choice questions often seem to be a cheap way to accumulate your initial capital. As often they prove to be a quick way to lose precious points. You are not supposed to spend most of your exam time hesitating about the choices. With a firm knowledge, 10-15 minutes is more than enough.

MC - I. In this question you will be given a fragment of code (with a function) and you will be asked to select the best description of technical features and functionality of the presented code. Most relevant to this question are Labs 6 and 9.

MC - II. There will be a number of little unrelated choice questions. One purpose of this question is to expose all students to more advanced language elements (covered in class after Midterm), which will give everybody an opportunity to demonstrate some general familiarity with arrays, command line arguments, strings, even if you are not planning to use these in your exam program. There will be more elementary choice(s), too.

If you got stuck with some choice, it may be a good idea to return to it if you spot something related in the tracing question or if you recall something while working on your program. For some, it would be even possible to check an m/c answer by writing a short test program. But such brave souls are expected to be OK in any case.