
AMAT-2120. Fall 2004. Preparation to Final Exam.
Sample programming question 1:
Write a program that calculates the approximate value of the definite integral of the function

using the Rule of Rectangles as given by the formulas below.
The values of a,b (the limits of integration) and N (number of partition points)
should be provided by the user (interactively, in the command line, or through an input file).

> a,b,N; Given

a, b, N

> int(f(x),x=a..b); To approximate the integral

int(f(x),x = a .. b)

Approximation formula (The Rule of Rectangles)

> (b-a)/N * (sum(f(x[j]), j=1..N-1) +1/2*(f(a)+f(b)));

(b-a)*(sum(f(x[j]),j = 1 .. N-1)+1/2*f(a)+1/2*f(b))...


> x[j]=a+(b-a)*(j/N);

x[j] = a+(b-a)*j/N

> f(x):=x^2;

f(x) := x^2