Submitting assignments electronically

Each assignment will require that you submit your computer programs electronically, in addition to submitting materials on paper.

The program you use is called math2120. It only runs on To submit files named ques1.c,, and for assignment number 2, first start a session on riemann and issue the command

          math2120 2 ques1.c ques2.c ques3.c

In general the syntax is
math2120 [assignment_number] [file(s)]

If you want to verify what files the system has for one of your particular assignments, say assignment 1, you can use the command
       math2120 -check 1
In general, the syntax for this is
math2120 -check [ assignment_number]

Note that you can logon to riemann by using the ssh command in the terminal:


As a final comment, note that emailing copies of your programs to your instructor is NOT an acceptable form of electronic submission. The only acceptable form is via the math2120 command, as described above.