Contributed toward Church Expenditure   1890

    Toward stove & other expenses
    Geo Ford            senr                    .40
    Jas Price           of Chas                 .20
    Stephen Ford                                .40
    Alx Penny           Jos                     .40
    Wm Batson           Mark                    .50
    Wm Batson           Wm                      .50
    H G Batson                                  .50
    Joseph Penny        John sr                 .60
    Joseph Batson                               .40
    Albert Penny        lt John                 .50
    Charles Penny                               .50
    Ruben Penny                                 .40
    R W Facey                                   .60
    Joseph Swt Penny    lt Jas                  .40
    Peter Penny                                 .40
    Thomas Wills                                .40
    Isaac Penny                                 .50
    John Wills Penny                            .40
    Albt Batson         of Archbd               .40
    Arthur Wills        sml                     .20
    Smn Penny           sen                     .48
    Joseph Penny        lt Archd                .50  ["Archd" might actually be "rchd"]
    Wm Penny            of lt John sr           .50
    Wm Penny            lt Jas                  .27
    Wm Ivamy                                    .40
    Wm Penny            lt Robt                 .50
    Wm Wills                                    .20
    Mark Penny                                  .30
    Alex Penny          lt Richard              .40
    Francis Penny       lt John                 .40
    Wm Batson           John                    .40
    John Batson         lt Josh                 .20
    Robt Penny          Katn                    .20
    Jacob Penny         lt Richd                .40
    John Penny          Geo                     .40
    Robert Wills                                .40
    Alex Penny          lt John                 .30
    John Barnes         John                    .40
    John Batson         lt James                .25
    Francis Penny       lt James                .40
    Ruben Penny         lt James                .30
    Nataniel Penny      Geo                     .40
    Charles Price                               .40
    Andrew Batson                               .50
    Martin Batson       Geo                     .30
    Wm Penny            lt Samuel               .40

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