17 September 1556 Will of Roger Cooke of Bristol, tanner and alderman (proved 8 October 1557)

The original document can be obtained online from The National Archives.

Source: TNA, PROB 11/39

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In the name of god Amen The xvii th daye of the Moneth of
September in the yere of our Lord god a Thousande five hundred fiftie and sixe And in
the thirde and fourthe yeres of the Reignes of our moste Excellent prynces Phillipp and
Marye by the grace of god kinge and Quene of England hispayne bothe ?????? Frannce
Jerusalem and Ireland defenders of the faithe Archedukes of A???? ?ukes of wyllayn
Burgundie and brabant Cenntres of ?????ge Flanders and Tiroll I Roger Cooke of y Citie
of Bristowe Tanner and Alderman of the said Citie being in hole and parfyte memorye prayse
be geven unto god but sicke and feble in my bodye parcivinge death wch is incident to all PERsones shorly
to approche do ordeyne and make my testament conteynning therin my last will in maner and forme
folowing  In primis I do bequeathe my soule to Almightie god my Creator and Savior
trusting in the ?e??e mercie of god the father thoroug the merits of the dere passion of his
swete sonne Jesus Christ that I shalbe accompted in the nommber of thos par?? as that shall
enyent the ???tion of his eternall glorie and to be pland amongest his electe there And my bodye
I bequethe to be buried within my parishe churche of saynt Nicholas in the said Citie of Bristowe
and in suche place there as to myne Executour shall seme moste ???? and convenent Item I 
will that myne Executour herin appoynted shall deale and distribute at my buriall Twentie
poundes in money to poore aged impotent and sike people inhabitinge and dwelling wthin the
said Citie of Bristoll in suche porcions and somes as myne Executor shall thinke most expedient
Item I give and bequethe my Tenement wth thappurtenncs lying and beinge wthin the parishe
of Saynt Phillips in the suburbes of the Citie of Bristoll as appearethe by his mears and
??nds unto Roger Cooke the yonger sonne unto Henry Cook and his heyres and assignes forevr
Provided that if the same Roger happen to dye or that he cometh to lawfull yeres of age and
then havinge none Issue that then the said Tenement with thappurtenncs to remayne and come
to John Browne the yonger and his heires and assignes forever And if it happen the saide
John Browne to dye wthout yssue of his bodye that then the said tent wth thappurtenncs to
Remayne and come to John browne thelder and his heires and assignes forever Item I do give
and bequethe my Tenement wth thappurtenncs set lying and beinge in the PARishe of Saint Peters
in the foref and Citie of Bristoll and nowe in the occupienge of the widowe Joachims wief 
unto John browne the yonger and his heyres and assignes forever And in default of suche
heires to the heyres of John browne his father and to his heires and assignes forever Item I
do give and bequethe my other tenement Joyning unto my said tenement nowe int he tenure of the said
widowe Joachim wth thappurtenncs unto katheryn my doughter and her heires and assignes for
ever  Item I will that my foure gardens sett lying and beinge in the PARishe of St Phillippes
aforesaide to remayne as hereafter foloweth thone of the aforesaide gardens nowe being in the
occupyinge of Annes Hillary I do give and bequethe unto the same Annes during her lyfe and
after her decease unto Roger Hillarie her sonne and his heires of his bodye begotten And for lack
and default of such heire unto the saide John Browne thelder and his heires and assignes forevr
Item I do give and bequethe the three other gardens thone of them lyinge ??e the Northeside unto
katheryn my doughter and her heires and assignes forever The second garden I do give and
bequethe unto John browne the yonger and his heires and assigns forevr Provided that if it
Happen the s???e John Browne to dye or he come to lawfull age that the same garden shall
Remayne and come to John Browne my sonne in lawe and to margaret his wieff and to their 
Heires and assignes forever And thother thirde garden I do give and bequethe unto the said John
Browne my sonne in Lawe and margaret his wief and to their heires and assignes forevr Item
I do give and bequethe unto the said John Browne my sonne in Lawe and to Margaret his wief
and to their heyres and assignes forever the howses and tenements wherein I dwell nowe
sett lying and being upon the backe of the Citie of Bristoll wth their appurtenncs And
also the house and tenement of myne nowe in the Tennor or occupying of John Jonnes

adioyning unto my said howses that I do dwell in wth all the said appurtenncs belonginge to
the saide tenements To have and to holde the said tenements and howses with all their apptenncs
unto the said John Browne and Margaret his wief and to their heires and assignes forever
yelding and paying therfore yerely unto the Chamber of Bristoll aforesaid the Rents therof
due to be paide Item I will that my plate be distributed in maner and forme folowinge that is to
saye I give and bequeathe to katheryn Pickes my doughter two hundreth and Nyntey ouncs of
plate in suche PARcells as hereafter foloweth (that is to saye) one standing Cuppe gilt weying xxxvi
ounces and gilte goblette of my b??? ?este of Sollettsweying twentye ouncs one standing m????e
wth three angelles feete weying xxxvii ounces one dosen of Spones wth rounde ???des weying
xvi ouncs one Saulte purcell gilte weying xvii ounces two gilte gobletts of my olde neste of 
gobletts weing xxxviii ouncs two ??ltes with shells weing bothe xliii ouncs one spice dishe of 
silver weying xii ouncs All thabove saide parcells of plate I will that myne Executor shall
delyver incontynent after my decease Item I do make appoynte nomynate and ordeyne John
Browne my sonne in Lawe my sole and onelye Executor of this my last will and testament
and I do geve unto the said John Browne my saide Executour and to Margaret his wief
my doughter the Residue of all my goodes above not bequeathed my debts legacies & funerall
charges first paide And all other former will or willes Testament or Testaments Legacies
bequests Executorshippe overseershippe by me at any tyme or tymes heretofore made named
appoynted geven or bequeathed I do utterly revoke and disanull Into the witnes whereof
I have scr??ed this my testament and Last will with myne owne hande and sett thereto my
Seale in the presence of the PERsones whose names ben subscribed to the premesses called
desiered and being present And of this my last will I do appoynte Mr Robert Sexte
Maior of the Citie of Bristoll Mr Willyam Tynd?ll overseers that they shall see
this my last will and testament fulfilled Witnes hereof Mr Robert Sexte maior of
the Cities of Bristoll Willyam Butler sherif there William Tyndall Willyam
Kyrke Marchannts Richard Cary Thomas Slocombe George Higens draper
Thomas Betty and others yeven the daye and yeres above wrytten

Probatum fuit 
[this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 8 October 1557]
Octavo die mensis Octobris Anno dni Millesimo
Quingentesimo quinquagesimo septimo 

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 31-Jan-2018 21:45:05 NST