10 April 1586 Will of John Carre of Bristol, gentleman (proved 27 June 1586)

The original document can be obtained online from The National Archives.

Source: TNA, PROB 11/69

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In the name of God amen The tenth day of Aprill in the year of our lord got one
thousand five hundred eightie six I John Carre of the Cittie of Bristowe gent beinge in PERfect healthy and
memory thaneks be to god doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament as Followeth First
of all I comite my soule to the mercie and grace of the all mightie god the creator of heaven and earth and
to Jesus Christe his only sonne my saviour and redeemer and to the holie ghoste the comforter of thelect
three PERsons and one sole and verie god before all worlds and world without end with an undoubted and
sure hope of my salvacon onlie throughe the death and blond of Christ by whom I verily beleve to
have remission of my synnes and after this life everlasting life my body I bequeath to the earth from
whence it came and to be buried in St Warborowes church in Bristowe in the Tombe where my Father
lyeth wch I made for him It I geve to the proctors and Churchwardens of that Church to be emploied
to the use of the said church for rePARacons and other necessarie good uses five shillings yearly to be paied
forever and to be taken and issuinge out of my now dwellinge house in Bawldwyn streett in Bristowe
aforesaid to thend that the Tombe or monument there made for my Father and the vaute or buriall place
shall so remaine as now it doth and after my deceasse and the deceasse of my wife and of Alice Cole my
sister and of our severall burialls there The same vaute or buriall place never after to be broken up for the
buriall of any other the said vawte conteyneth in lenghe twelve foote from the tombe toward the chancell
there northward The said Five shillings to be paied once in every year at the awdytt of the said church
accordinge as I have used to pay the same in my life time and if the said place of buriall shall not soe
remaine as aforesaid unto the worlds end undefaced and not broken up for any other buriall Then as
aforesaid That then after the breakinge up of the said place of buriall the said some of Five shillings
afore geven shall ceasse and determine and be noe more paied and for the better sure payment of
the said some of Five shillings in mannor and forme aforesaid to be made I doe by this my last will and
Testament grannt and appointe that it shall and May be lawfull to and for the churchwardens of the
said church and their Successors for the time beinge soe often as the said Five shillings shalbe unpaide
to enter into my said howse from time to time and to discrenie for the same and for the arrerage thereof

if any shalbe and the distresse to deteine and kepe untill the said five shillings and the arrerags thereof be
to them well and trulie paied and touchinge the disposicon of my mannor or Lordshipp of Congresbury and
of all lands tenements rents revercons and hereditaments in Congresburie Woodspringe or Ells where in the
countie of Somerst and my lands tenements and hereditaments in the cittie of Bristowe my will and
entent is and I doe demise and appointe in mannor and forme Followinge that is to say First all those lands
and tenements called the warffes dry and sault lyinge in weeke in the PARishe of Congresburie late in the
occupacon of Henrie Harvie gent and all that tenement in weeke aforesaid now or late in the tenure or
occupacon of JOhn Turkie and all those PARcells of land and ground called Weeke mead week mill &
the twelve acres in Weeke aforesaid adioyninge to weeke mead and now in my owne occoupacon and				and the lands letten together
all that tenement in weeke aforesaid now or late in tenure of Edmond Banwell and all that ground and			wth pill hay and the wringhouse
lande in Congresburie called Pillhay and the wringhouse by Doctor Owen to certeine of the PARishionrs
of Congresburie aforesaid for years and that ground called the Harth now or late in th occupacion of
     Babor widowe and Thirtie acres of land in Congresbury PARcell of the demaines letten by me to
John Errishe for certeine years yet to come and one tenement in Congresburie aforsaid now or late in the
tenure or occupacion of Barth Hagatt I will and devise them to Thomas Aishe of the cittie Bristow
gent Robert Dowe of the Cittie of London marchannttailor Thomas Aldworth of hte Cittie of Bristow
marchannt and to John Bithsea of Axbridge in the count of Somerset Tanner and to their heires
and assignes forever to thentent that they and the Srvivor of them and his heires shall sell the
enheritance and Fee simple of the same in Fee farme forever reservinge to them and their heires the rents
hear after expressed that is to say for the warffes aforesaid Five pounds yearly and for the rest
of the said lands and tenements soe appointed to be sould thold and accostomed rents or more to thentent
the same rents may be by them and their heires and assignes ymploied to thuses hearafter in this will
expressed and the sale of the said lands to be by them made wthin three years next after my deceasse
or before if it may be and the money therof cominge by the sale aforesaid to be ymploied by them for
and towards the payment of my debts It I will and devise geve and bequeath to Martha Farrar the
wife of Tymothie Farrar all that tenement with thapPURtennces lyinge in Congresburie aforesaid in
the marsh there now or late in thoccupacion of John Willett To have and to hould to her the said Martha
for tearme of her life naturall and after her deceasse the same tenement with theapPURtenncs to remaine
and be to John Farrar her sonne and to Mary Farrar her daughter ioyntly for tearme of their
lives and the longest liver of them yeildinge and payinge thold and accustomed rent at the usuall
Feasts foure times in the year as in the said mannor of Congresbury is used and doinge the seemes
accordinge to the custome of the said mannor of Congresbury Savinge that they shall have
libertie to dwell from the mannor and to be Free from lycence of marriage if either of the said Martha
or her daughter should be thelords widowe the said rent to be ymploied to the uses hearafter expresssd
Provided allwaies and my entente is that in consideracon of this guifte made to the said Martha as
aforesaid That one annutie or yearly rent of tenne pounds by me grannted to xpofer Dighton her
Father for her life doe ceasse and become voide and the deed to be cancelled and made Frustrate or
otherwise this my present guifte to her made as aforesaid to ceasse and be voide  It I will and devise
to William Hill and to Anne Hill all that tenement with thapOERtenncs in Congresbury aforesaid
late in the occupacon of Robert Sprudd deceassed To have and to hould the same to the said Willm
Hill and Anne Hill ioyntly for tearme of their lives and the longest liver of them yeldinge and
payinge thold and accustomed rent at the times aforsaid The same rent to be employed to thuses
hearafter expressed and doinge allso the s??incs accordinge to the custome of the said mannor of
Congresbury Savinge they shall have libertie to dwell from the said tenement and the said Anne
Hill to be Free from licence of marriage if she happen to be the lords widowe It I geve will and
devise to Simon Aldworth of Bristow marchannt and to Mary his wife all that tenement with
thapPURtenncs lyinge in the marshe in Congresbury aforesaid now in the tenure or occupacon of JOhn
Tailor To have and to hould the said tenement with thapPURtenncs to the said Simon Aldworth
Mary his wife and their assignes for and duringe their lives and the life of such child as they
the said Simon and Mary or one of them shall name and appointe within three years next after
my deceasse yeldinge and payinge thold and accustomed rent to be paied at the Feasts aforesaid
and to be emploied to thuses hearafter expressed and allso doinge the forincs accustomed Saving

they and everie of them shall have libertie to dwell from the said Tenement and the said Marye
Aldworth to be Free from licence of marriage if she happen to be the lords widowe It I will and
devise geve and appointe to Anne Aish daughter to John Aish and margarett my sister
deceassed all that tenement with thapPURtenncs in Congresbury aforesaid now in the tenure of John
Wodall To have and to hould the same tenement wth thapPURtenncs to the said Anne Aish and her
assignes for and duringe the lives of the said Anne Aishe and of any two children of her body
lawfully begotten if she happen to have any such Children yeldinge and payinge thold and
accustomed rent to be paied as aforesaid and to be emploied to the use hereafter expressed and doing
the serincs due and accustomed Savinge the said Anne and her assignes shall have libertie
to dwell from the said Tenement and shee and they to be Free from Fyne of marriage if she or
they happen to be the lords widowe It I geve and bequeath to Richard Cole and to Alice Cole
my sister the wife of the said Richard Cole one anuitie or yearly rent of Twentie pounds yerly
to be issuinge goinge and paied out of my mannor of Congresbury To have and to hould the said
anuitie or yearly rente to the said Richard Cole and Alice Cole their executors and assignes for and
duringe the teare of the naturall life of the said Alice Cole to be paied to the said Richard Cole and
Alice Cole their executors and assignes at two tearmes of the yeare viz at the Feast of the
annunciacion of our lady the Virginne and the Feast of St Michaell tharchanngell by even porcons
to be paid and if it happen the said anuitie or yearly rent to be behinde and unpaied in parte
or in all after any Feast of payment in wch it ought to be paied by the space of Fourtene dais
that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawfull to the said Richard Cole and Alice
Cole and their assignes into the said mannor of Congresbury to enter and distreine and the
distresse to ympound detaine and kepe untill the said anuitie or yearly rent with the arrerags ther
of if any shalbe be Fully satisfied and paied It I will and demise and my entente ys that all
the rest of my lands tenements and hreditamens in Congresbury aforesaid and the proffitts
and revenues of the same togeather with the yearly rents reserves uppon or for an parte ther
of the rent to be reserved for Berdesland which is otherwise hearafter disposed excepted and
foreprised only and the enheritance and revercon in Fee simple of the late dissolved Sritt and
Priory of woodspringe and the demaine lands therunto belonginge and with the same uses in as
large and ample mannor as my Father used the same shalbe and remaine to the said Robert 
Dowe Thomas Aishe Thomas Aldworth and John Bithesen and their heires and assignes for
ever to thentent that they and the Srvivors and Survivor of them and his and their heirs and
assignes shall sell so much thereof as they thincke good to pay my debts if the lands and tenemts
before lymitted to be sould doe not suffice and after that they and the survivors or survivor of
them and his and their heires and assignes shall with the issues rents proffitts & revenues
of the rest thereof PERfourme this my last will and Testament as hearafter Followeth that is to
say to pay Fiftie pounds yearly to my sisters and their children for the tearme of twelve years
accordinge to the will of William Carre my Father deceassed and to pay the anuitie of Fortie
pounds yearly which I am bounde to pay to John Rodney gent and Jane his wife for their
lives and to pay the maior and Comynaltie of the Cittie of Bristow tenne pounds yearly to the use
of the poore accordinge to the limitacon and appointment of the last will and Testament of William
Carre my Father and of one graunte by me to the said maior and Comynaltie made by deed bering
date the twentith day of September in the nynteth year of the raigne of our Sovereigne Lady
Queene Elizabeth for the PERformance of my Fathers entent and meaninge and my Further meaning
and earnest request to the said maior and comynaltie of Bristow ys that when as the Hospitall
ment and entended by this my will shalbe erected and founded That then the said anuitie of Tenne
pounds yearly shall and from thenceforth be ymploied to the use and behoofe of that Hospitall
and the use expressed in my said deed to ceasse all the rest of the issues proffitts and revenues
yearly ??singe and Cominge of the said mannoure lands and tenements in the Countie of Somerset
aforesaid and the rents above remembred (the rent of Berdes land excepted) the yearly rent due and 
payable to the queens maiestie and her Successours and all lawfull chardges and duties goinge out
of the said mannor of Congresbury paied and diffraied I will and demise shalbe ymploied and
bestowed to the PERformannce of my Funerall and payment and PERfourmance of such legacies as

by this my last will and Testament shalbe demised untill the same be Fully PERformed and paied and
after the same done and PERformed then the residue of all the said lands tenements revercions
and hereditaments aforesaid in the countie of Somerset and the issues and proffitts therof
shalbe ymploied and bestowed as hearafter in this my will is expressed and declared that is to
say my will and entente ys that the said Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth
and John Beithesea and the Srvivors or Srvivor of them and his and their heires shall for
five yeares next after my debts and legacies paied receive and take the wholle rents issues and proffitts
of all my lands and tenements to them demised as aforesaid and wch shall not be sould by thentent
of this my will and shall employ and bestowe the issues and proffitts of all my said lands &
tenements towards the payments of the yearly rents and anuities in this will expressed to
be payed as aforesaid and for and towards the chardges and expencs by them to be diffraied and
disbursed in and aboute the PERfourmance of this will and the surplusage therof if any be togeather
with the wholle issues rents proffits and yearly revenues of all my said lands to them demised
and not sould for payment of my debts as aforesaid shall then after the said Five years remain
Continue and be for ever to the uses entents and purposes as Followeth that is to say to erect
and found by due fourme of lawe in the cittie of Bristow in some convenient house and place wch
the maior and aldermen for the time beinge shall appointe and prepare wch I trust they will provide
for conveniently an Hospitall or place for bringinge upp of poore children and orphants beinge
men children such as shalbe borne in the Cittie of Bristowe or in any part of my mannor lands
or tenements in Congresbury aforesaid and whose parents are deceassed or dead or Fallen into decay
and not able to releive them and for those cheifly to provide in such order mannor and forme and
with such foundacion ordinancs lawes and goverment as the Hospitall of Christchurch nighe
St Bartholmews in London is founded ordered and governed in every respect and that to be the
patent and example for the foundacion of this Hospitall to be new founded by my will and to
endowe the said new founded Hospitall in Bristow with the said lands therby to have such poore children
and orphants asaforesaid brought upp in such mannor and forme as the like be in the Hospitall of
St Bartholmews aforesaid as far forth as the proffitts and revenues thereof will amount unto
and for the more PERpetuall and better goverment therof to dispose and appointe as law will PERmit
and suffer the maior and Comynaltie of the said cittie to be patrons guiders and governours of 
the same Hospitall to be founded forever to thentent to have such poore children and orphants as
aforesaid ther brought upp and mayntained for ever and now touchinge my lands tenements 
and hereditaments in Bristow and the rent to be reserved out of Beards lands my will and
entent ys and I demise and bequeath the same as Followeth First I will and demise to Anne
my wife the howse and tenement that I now dwell in lyinge in Baldwin street in Bristowe
and the garden and orchard occupied wth the same and thowses theruppon builte To have &
to hould to her for tearme of her life yeildinge and payinge five pounds rent yearly  To be
paied at the Feasts of St michaell tharchanngell and thannunciacon of our Lady the virgin
by even porcions to be imploied as hearafter is expressed and allso payinge the Five shillings
yearly to bhe proctours of St Warboroughes as aforesaid It I geve and bequeath to martha
Farrar and to John and Mary her children the tenement in Baldwin street in Bristowe wherin
Henry Chester now dwelleth To have and to hould the same to them their executors and
assignes for the tearme of one hundreth years to beginne the day of my death yeildinge and
payinge Fowre pounds rent yearly at the usuall Feasts of St michaell tharchanngell the
birth of our lord god thannunciacon of our lady and the Feast of St John Baptiste and
doinge the rePARacons It I geve and bequeath to the said William Hill and Anne Hill the
tenement with thapPURtenncs in Baldwin street wherin Walter Standfast now dwelleth
To have and to hould to them their executors and assignes for the tearme of one hundreth years
to beginne the day of my death yeildinge and payinge therfore yearly the rent of Fortie
shillings and doinge rePARacons the rent to be paied quarterly at Fowre usuall Feasts last
before remembred It I geve and bequeath to John Dynney the tenement with thapPURtenncs
he now dwelleth in To have and to hould to him his executors and assignes for tearme of

Thirtie years to beginne the day of my death yeldinge and payinge the rent yearly of fortie shillings
and doinge rePARacons the rent to be paied quarterly at Fower usuall Feasts as aforesaid
Provided allwaies that if the said John Dynney doe not in every ???te PERfourme and kepe
the true intent and meaninge of this present will touchinge tharte of sepemakinge as hearafter
is expressed but doe breake the same or any parte therof then this present demise and Leasse
of the said tenement to ceasse and be voide and of non effect and forteye rent above remembred
to be reserved for beards lands and the said messuage or tenement in Baldwin street in the cittie
of Bristow in the tenure of Walter Standfast and the tenement there in the tenure of the said
Henry Chester and the tenement in the said street in the tenure of John Dynney and twoe
tenements in the same Cittie at Ratclif Hill thone late in thoccupacon of    Yonge Clarke
thother in thoccupacon of    Cooke and five pounds rent yearly to be goinge out of the tenement
wherin I now dwell in Baldwin street aforesaid I will demise and geve to the said Thomas Aish
Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and John Bythesea and their heires for ever to thentent
they and the Srvivor of them and his heires shall pay to the maior and cominaltie of the citie
of Bristowe Twentie pounds yearly made by me to the said maior and Comynaltie by my deed
bering date the xxiii th day of July in the ?xviii th year of our sovereigne lady Queene 
Elizabeth or ells that they the said Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and John
Bithesea or the Srvivor of them and his heires and assignes shall assure and convey as
lawe will PERmit and suffer the said yearly rent of Five pounds goinge out of Beards lands and
the said yearly rent of Five pounds goinge out of my dwellinge howse in Bristowe and the
tenement with thapPURtenncs in Bristowe aforesaid in the tenure of Walter Standfast John
Dynney Henry Chester and the two tenements at Ratcliffe Hill aforesaid to the said maior
and Comynaltie and their successors in satisfaccion of the said anuitie of twentie pounds
yearly by me graunted as aforesaid to them and to cause the deed of graunt of the said anuity
to be cancelled and made voide and the anuity of Twentie pounds to be releassed and my 
will and entent ys and I doe earnestly desire the said maior and Comynaltie of Bristowe 
accordinge to their promisses to me made that when the Hospitall ment by this my will
to be founded and erected shalbe had and made that then this anuitie of Twentie pounds
or the land and rents aforesaid that shalbe geven in liewe therof maybe umploied and
bestowed for and towards the maintennce of that Hospitall as other my lands shalbe
It I will and demise and my entent ys that the said Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas
Aldworth and John Bithesea and the survivor of them and his heires shall sell thenheritance
and Fee simple of the said house wherin I now dwell in Bristowe and the orchard and
garden with the same used reservinge the said rent of Five pounds for ever to the use
aforesaid and such sale to be made for the best price that they can and the money therof
made shall employ and bestore to the payment of my debts and my legacies and bequeasts
in this will expressed It my will and entent ys that Anne my wife duringe her life
shall well and sufficiently kepe repaire and maintaine the said howse the better to further
the sale therof and to leave the glasse the wainskot and portalls cubbords Cesternes of
lead and all other fixed ymplements to the same house belonginge togeather with the same
howse I meane shalbe sould to thentent as aforesaid It I geve to my said wife all my plate
and allso all my howshold stuffe whatsoever shalbe in my said dwellinge howse  at the time
of my deceasse except the ymplements of howshold and other thinges before appointed to
be sould with the said howse It I geve her allso Fower hundreth pounds in money to be
paied her next after my debts and Funeralls paied uppon condicion that she claime not
the third parte or dower of any my lands or tenements in the cittie of Bristowe only It I
geve to her the rent of Fower pounds yearly reserved to me by a leasse made to Richard Adams
of the PARsonage of Congresbury for so longe time as the same leasse doth endure It I geve
to the said Martha Farrar and to John and mary her children and to William Hill and
Anne Hill all my howshold stuffe in the vicaredge howse of Congresbury and wch shalbe
there at the howre of my death equally to be devided amonge them Provided nevertheles
and my will ys that my wife shall have thuse and occupacion of all those goods and hous
hold stuffe in the said vicaredge howse as yt shalbe at my death to use and occupie

Duringe her life soe that within three monethes after my deceasse shee put in Suertie to leave the
same or soe much therof as shee will take to remaine be and goe accordinge to this my will in such g?d
plighte and sorte as shee shall receave and take the same and doe suffer the same to be duly praised
to thends that such or soe much therof as by use or occupienge shalbe wasted may be made good
to the valewe praised as aforesaid and my further will ys that Martha Farrar and her said
children doe receive her parte and porcion of the said goods imediatly after my wives deceasse and
that William Hill and Anne Hill after my wives death shall receive their partes and porcions
therof at the daies of their severall marriags or severall dayes of their age of one and Twentie
yeares wch First shall happen  It I geve to xpofer Deighton the sonne of xpofer Deighton of
Worcester vintner the some of one hundred marks It I geve to the said William Hill one hundred
marks in money to be paied him at his age of one and twentie years allso I geve to the said Anne
Hill one hundred marks in money to be paied to her at her day of marriage or age of one and twenty
years wch First shall happen and this I doe in leiwe and recompence of thirtie pounds their uncle
Edward Frye gave them and wch I had and promised to leave them accordinge to the said uncles
guifte  Provided that they doe not chardge my executors with my promise for the said thirtie
pounds but be content wth this legacie in leiwe therof but if it shall happen they or either of them
doe chardge my executors with my promise or otherwise for their said uncles guift Then theise
severall legacies of two hundreth marks to be voide and not paied to him or them that doe soe
charge my executors and if it shall happen that either the said William Hill and Anne
Hill to dye before their severall legacies ought by this will to be paied unto them Then the Survivor
of them to have thothers porcion and legacie and if they both happen to dy before the said legacs
be payable as aforesaid Then I will the severall legacies of two hundreth marks to them limited
be voide as if noe such guifte had been by me made and then the porcions of houshold stuffe
and other the legacies before to them geven (excepte the money aforesaid) shall remaine and be
to Mary Aldworth and Anne Aishe equally to be devided betwene them It to thentent that
the said William Hill and Anne Hill should be the better provided for meat drinke cloth
and bringinge upp after my deceasse untill their severall ages of one and twentie years or
dayes of marriage I doe therfore ordaine and appointe my wife to PERfourme the same It I
geve to Anne Hayward my servannt the some of twentie marks in money and to every other
of my servannts that shalbe in my service at the time of my death twentie shillings apeece
It wher I have comitted to trust to my servannt John Dynney the trade of white sope
makinge a thinge by me found out and put in use here in england and he standeth bounden
to doe the same to the use of me my executors or assignes duringe his life Now to thentent
the trust in him reposed may be PERfourmed I doe ordaine and appointethat the said John
Dynney shall use the same trade and science to and for the use and benefite of my said
wife duringe the space of Tenne years next after my deceasse the same to be by him donne
and PERfourmed in such sorte as he did use to doe for me in my life time takinge allowance of
five nobles in money for every tonne of oile made in Sope and twentie shillings for evry
Tonne of Sope new boiled and changed and after the tenne yeares ended my will and
entent ys that the said John Dynney shall use the trade and science aforesaid for and
to the use benefitte and comodity of the said Simon Aldworth ^ and his executors and			^ at the hire and wages as
assignes                 I doe meane the arte and science aforesaid shall				  aforesaid and wch Simon
remaine and be for ever and the said John Dynney to teach the said Simon and his			  Aldworth
assignes accordinge to the trust in him reposed to thentent of this my will and if the said
John Dynney shall not PERfourme the trust aforesaid but break the same and theffect
Condicion and entent of such bonde as he standeth bound into me Then my will ys that
my executors doe sue the said bonds and recover and execute the penaltie of the said bonds
uppon him and the money or other recompence soe recovered therby by this my will and
entent shall goe and remaine to such PERson and PERsonnes and in such mannr and fourme as the trade
should have done by the true entent and meaninge of this will and my will ys that John
Dynney shall not wthout the consent of my wife duringe the tenne years aforesaid teach
Simon Aldworth tharte and science of white sope makinge unlesse Symon Aldworth

Cause or shall compound and agree wth my said wife to dealle duringe the said tenne years to his owne use in
that trade but after such composicion or the end of tenne years as aforesaid my will is that John Dynney
doe teach Symon Aldworth and his assignes and use and practize the same to thuse of Symon Aldworth &
his assignes as aforesaid and not to the use of any PERson or PERsonns It I doe chardge my wife that if by usinge
the said trade of Sope makinge she happen to attaine to the knowledge therof that then she doe not teach the
same to any other then to Symon Aldworth and to his assignes nor doe not utter the same to the hurte
or preiudice of Simon Aldworth and his assignes and uppon that condicion I geve her my two pannes
and Furnacs and ymplements used aboute that trade and therunto belonginge now beinge in my howse at
Bristowe and allso at Bowe in the countie of Wliee Provided that all such turky Sope as shalbe new
caste by the space of one year after my deceasse at Bowe in Wliee shalbe to thuse of payment of my
debts for wch purpose I have bespoken a certeine porcion to be brought out of Turkey at the next vintage
wch my will is my executors shall buy and cause John Dynney to new cast the same to thuse aforesaid It
I geve to the said John Dynney tenne pounds in money to be paied him wth in one year after my decease &
this is donne to thentent he shall Faith fully PERfourme this my will touchinge tharte and science of
Sope makinge and if he doe not soe then this legacie of tenne pounds and all other legacies by my will or
otherwise to him geven shall ceasse and be voide It I geve and bequeath to my cousyn John Bland of 
Worcester one hundreth marks in money to be paied to him next after my debts be paied & my wives legacie
satisfied It I geve to John Bithesea all my apparrell It I geve my said wife thuse of the vicaridge house
of Congresbury duringe the tearme of the leasse for years therin to come as I have and doe occupie the
same doinge the rePARacons theruppon for and duringe the said tearme And my furhter will is that the said
Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and Bithesea shall yearly gather and leaine the
Frinats and proffitts of the tythes of that vicaredge and to ymploy the same towards the payment of
my debts It I doe ordaine and appointe the said Thomas Aldworth and John Bithesea to be executors of
this my last will and Testament And I doe allso humbly requeste Sr Thomas Bromly knighte Lord
Channcellor of England and Sr Edmond Anderson knight Lord chiefe Justice of the common pleas
and my trustie and welbeloved Freinds Thomas Aishe and Robert Dove my overseers of this my said will
desiringe them to doe their best for thexecucion and PERformance therof and for their paines and travell ther
in I geve to the said Lord Channcellor and Sr Edmond Anderson knighte Twentie pounds apeece and
to my frinds Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and JOhn Bithesea for their paines
and travell aboute this will I geve them Foure hundred pounds of Currant money to be equally
devided amonge them the said Foure hundreth pounds to be by them leavied and received after my
debts paied and other legacies PERfourmed And I will and devise that after my debts and legacies paied
and the Five years then next Followinge and before in this my will mencioned be ended and expired
that then the maior and Aldermen of the cittie of Bristowe for the time beinge shall take and call
accoumpt of the said Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and John Bithesea and of 
the Srvivors of them touchinge and concerninge the proffitts of my lands and tenements aforesaid and
of all other their dealings and doings in and aboute the PERfourmance of this my will and then therof
to make before the said maior and Alderman a trewe accoumpte they havinge and takinge allowance of all
chardgs for their travell and expencs in and aboute thexecutinge and travell for PERfourmance of thentent
Chardge and execucion of this my will and Testament The same to be allowed and aweited uppon accompte
made before the said maior and Aldermen of the cittie of Bristow aforesaid for the time beinge and
all such some and somes of money concerninge the same as shalbe found to remaine in Surplusage in the
hands of the said Thomas Aishe Robert Dowe Thomas Aldworth and John Bithesea or the Srvivors
of them after the said debts and legacies paied and PERfourmed and allowance made as aforesaid shalbe and
remaine to thuse and behoofe of the said Hospitall to be founded as aforesaid In witnes wherof I the
said John Carre to be parte of this my present will indented have set to my hand and Sealle
yeoven the day and year First above written John Carre Signed sealled and published in the presence
of Robert Redwood w Clerke Henry Hervy as a witnes Edward Longe John Burrns

Probatum fuit 
[this paragraph continues in Latin to grant probate on 27 June 1586]
xxvii die mensis Junii anno dni millimo qungenmo octogemo sexto 

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Last Modified: Friday, 05-Feb-2021 15:12:47 NST