X:1 T: The Carle he came o'er the Craft C: R:Strathspey Q: 128 K:A M:4/4 L:1/16 |:A6 e2 c2A2 c2e2|=g4 d4 B=cd2 B2=G2|A6 e2 c2A2 c2e2|a2e2 f2d2 cde2 c2A2| A6 e2 c2A2 c2e2|=g4 d4 B=cd2 B2=G2|A6 e2 c2A2 c2e2|a2e2 f2d2 cde2 c2A2| a2A2 A3B c3d e2f2|=g2=G2 G2=c2 Bcd2 B2G2|A2a2 g2b2 a4 e2fg|a2e2 f2d2 cde2 c3A| a2A2 A3B c3d e2f2|=g2=G2 G2=c2 Bcd2 B2G2|A2a2 g2a2 a2e2 f2g2|a2e2 f2d2 c2e2 c2A2:|