Memorial University of Newfoundland Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematical Challenge for Junior High School Students 1999-2000: # 1

Grades 7, 8 and 9

Using each digit of 1496 exactly once and once only, and mathematical operations such as +, -, ×, ¸, Ö and ! (factorial), construct the sequence of positive whole numbers as far as possible.

As a start, you may use:

1    =   1×(4+6-9)
2    =   1+4+6-9
3    =   -1+Ö4+ 6

If you are not sure about ``factorial'', ask your Mathematics teacher for help.

Give your solution to your Mathematics teacher, who will forward it to:

Mathematical Challenge for Junior High School Students 1999-2000: # 2
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland. A1C 5S7

DEADLINE for postmarking of solutions: 1 December 1999
Make sure that your solution is written legibly and neatly.

A copy of the following form MUST accompany the entry for each student:

STUDENT'S NAME ------------------------------------- (Please PRINT)
School -------------------------------------
Community -----------------------------
Grade --------- Teacher's Name -----------------------------
This is my own unaided work (Calculators are permitted,
but computers are not)
Signed ------------------------------------- Date -------------------